Sequel: Ready to Start
Status: finished, but the story never ends. continuation soon.

Means the World


Elise stood in front of the ice cream parlor. It was still a warm night even though fall was soon approaching. She wore a red tank top that floated away from her body and khaki shorts. She kicked the cobblestone with her sandals and pulled her gray cashmere sweater tighter around her. Elise opened her purse to check for all her stuff.

“Elise?” asked a voice. She looked up to see Oliver. He had changed into a plain white shirt and jeans. Elise smiled and walked over to him.

“So where is your friend’s place?” she asked.

“Oh, it’s behind Weasley Wizard Wheezes.” He said.

Elise’s smile faded a bit at the mention of the name. “Okay.” She knew there were flats on top of the building and next to it. A small glimmer of hope appeared.

Oliver led her down the alley to the store. They went down a smaller alley and climbed the stairs to the top of the building. The glimmer of hope widened; this was the flat on top of the Weasley store.

Oliver knocked on the door several times and it opened, revealing Angelina Johnson. She hugged Wood, but stared at Elise with a gaped mouth.

“No.” she gasped. “Elise?!” she shrieked.

Elise chuckled as Angelina hug attacked her. She let them both in and hugged Elise some more.

“How do you two know each other?” Oliver asked, confused.

“Who is that?” Alicia asked from the kitchen. Elise knew because of the distinct voice. Alicia rounded the corner and screamed when she saw Elise. She too attacked her with hugs.

“How long have you been here?” Angelina asked.

“I’ve been living in London the whole summer!” Elise cried. “How have we not crossed paths?”

“Why haven’t you tried to talk to Fred or George?” Alicia asked.

Elise cocked her head. “I tried…the store keeper said they were out on dates with two girls.”

Angelina and Alicia looked at each other, laughing. “Silly, that was us.” They chortled.

“What’s this entire ruckus?” asked a familiar voice. It wasn’t the exact one she wanted to hear, but it was close.

George came out of a hallway and his jaw dropped. “Elise?!” he cried. He ran to her and picked her up in the air, hugging her. He set her down with her back to the hallway.

“I’ve missed you, George.” Elise said sincerely.

“What’s going on?” asked a voice. It was the exact one Elise wanted to hear. She turned around to see exactly who she’d been waiting for.


George and Fred were in Fred’s room.

“You need to get rid of that picture if you ever want to get over her.” George warned.

“I know.” Fred sighed, defeated. “I guess it’s just time to realize she’s not coming back.”

They heard shrieking from the living room. “I should check what that is.” George sighed. He left the room.

Fred stared at the picture. The Elise stuck behind the picture frame waved. When she did, Fred dropped the frame into the garbage can.

Fred went out into the living room. George was chatting animatedly with a petite blond. Angelina and Alicia were nearly to tears. Oliver looked confused. The air smelled of cherry blossoms, peaches, and jasmine. It was a familiar smell Fred hadn’t smelled since his sixth year. He remembered the smell as he buried his face into the neck of the girl he’d danced with until midnight at the Yule Ball.

But it couldn’t be her. She couldn’t be here. She was supposed to be in France. She was supposed to hate him. She never mailed him back, ever. He sent her letters every day for the first four months of the school year and he never heard anything.

Besides, it couldn’t be her. This girl was tan and had a little more meat on her bones. She wasn’t as frightfully thin as the girl he’d loved had been. Her hair wasn’t in curly ringlets; it was bone straight and hung halfway down her back.

She turned around and Fred gasped. She had the same cat like eyes and full cheeks. He features were petite and refined and her eyes pierced him through. Her full lips were curved into a slight smile and she brushed her hair back with her hands.

“Fred.” She said, relaxed.

It couldn’t be her. She spoke with a definite British accent. The French accent was covered over. Even if it was her, he willed it not to be.

Fred approached her warily. “Elise?” he asked.

She grinned. “Yeah, really.”

“Will someone explain to me what’s going on?” Oliver asked loudly.

They all sat down to dinner and decided to explain everything to Wood.

“Elise came during our sixth year and sorted right into Gryffindor.” Angelina said.

“She just kind of fell in with us.” Alicia mentioned.

“Remember we went out for the first three months of the year?” George teased Elise. Elise nearly choked on her food.

“And then she and Fred got all hot and heavy.” Angelina winked.

Fred and Elise both shot her dark looks, to which she shrugged her shoulders.

Oliver chuckled. “That’s such a coincidence.” He said. “You broke up though, right?”

Fred stared at Elise. “Yeah, we did.” He said roughly.


The night ended with Elise hugging Angelina and Alicia goodbye. “I’ll be in touch…how about we go shopping in a few days?” Elise asked. “I need to pick up some clothes for the office.”

Angelina smiled. “I’d love to. I’ll owl you.” She promised.

Elise stood by the door talking to George. Oliver pulled Fred over. “Mate, I have a question.” He asked.

“Yeah?” Fred asked slowly.

“Do you mind if I go for her? Seeing as you two were together and all…” Oliver said

“Oh, no not at all.” Fred said quickly.

Oliver grinned. “Thanks mate. I’ll see you sometime.” He said. He took Elise’s arm, and she waved goodbye to the twins before leaving.
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