Sequel: Ready to Start
Status: finished, but the story never ends. continuation soon.

Means the World


Elise sat, staring out the window. Mr. Weasley was helping set up the tent for the wedding.

“Like the view?” Fred asked.

Elise smiled, turning to him. She kissed him lightly and strung her arms around his neck. “Have I ever told you I love your room?”

Fred snorted. “I haven’t slept here in forever.”

“It looks fabulous from here.” She said, looking out the window to the large tent setting up. She peered over to the door handle. Her dress hung from it. It was a beautiful black one shouldered dress with flowers on it. Fleur had asked her to wear it specifically.

“Are you ready for the madness of tonight?” Fred asked.

Elise chuckled. “I guess so.”

Fred was already wearing his suit and pants. “I better go downstairs to help. George has been a total arse, pretending he’s all injured and such. I mean, he only blew his bloody ear off.” He said jokingly. Fred kissed her cheek and left the room.

Elise put on her dress and slipped the crown of leaves on her curly hair. She felt fantastic. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she had somewhere she belonged. She had a family and someone who loved her.


Elise turned to the door to see Fleur walking in, wearing her dress. Elise’s eyes softened.
“Oh Fleur, you look perfect.” Elise hugged her tightly. “I can’t believe you’re getting married.”

Fleur chuckled. “A lot of things are hard to believe nowadays…but when I’m with Bill, I’m happy.” She said, smiling. “Now, what about you and Fred?”

Elise blushed. “I don’t know when that will happen.”

“You two love each other obviously. I hope soon.” Fleur said. She looked at the time. “We should be getting downstairs for the ceremony.” She winked, grabbing her hand.

Down the stairs they met with Ginny and Gabrielle, who both looked stunning in their gold dresses. Ginny’s hair looked extra shiny today; she kept stealing glances at Harry. Elise’s eyes softened; she’d heard Ginny and Harry had been in a relationship, but she didn’t know that Ginny liked him that much.

They went out to the garden and Elise sat in the front row next to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

Slowly, the procession began. Charlie and Bill came up to the front. Gabrielle and Ginny followed, and then a white glow filled the tent. It was Fleur, being ten times more gorgeous than usual. Elise smiled; she’d seen this girl grow up before her eyes and she was now getting married.

After the ceremony, the party began. Fred swung Elise around the dance floor as George flirted with two veela twins. Harry was talking to Luna Lovegood’s father and surprisingly, Ron and Hermione were dancing.

“Are you having fun?” Fred whispered.

“I’m having the best time.” She said, smiling.

“I have a surprise for you.” Fred said, taking her hands. “Come with me.”

Running, the two disappeared into the shadows behind the burrow. Fred lit up a lamp that he summoned there and they sat on the grass.

“What is this surprise you have for me?” Elise asked.

“You know we spent a lot of time a part. We weren’t good without each other, Lise.” Fred said.

Elise cocked her head and put her hand on Fred’s. “I know that. But we don’t need to worry about that now we’re together again.”

Fred sighed. “Yes we do. You never know when you’re going to lose someone. You lost your aunt and dad and we nearly lost George.”

Elise looked down at her lap.

“What Bill and Fleur did really got me thinking…we should get married.” He said, pulling out a velvet box.

Elise gasped at the box. Fred flipped the top to reveal a simple diamond ring.

“We don’t have to get married right away. We can wait as long as you want. I just want everyone to know that you’re mine.” Fred said.

Elise smiled. “Do I have to put it on myself?” she asked shyly.

Fred chuckled. “I think I can handle that.” He said, taking it out and slipping it on her finger. He kissed her palm. “We’re going to be together, forever.”

Elise put a hand on his cheek. “Nothing can ever keep us apart ever again. We won’t be stupid anymore.” She said, laughing.

Suddenly, there was a bright white light and a clamoring of people. Silence rang around as a deep voice filled the air. It was Kingsley, warning them of an infiltration.

“The family.” Fred said roughly. He grabbed Elise’s hand and they ran to the tent. People were disapparating and running. Molly was counting her children as Harry, Ron, and
Hermione disappeared. She let out a cry, but reached for Elise and Fred when they came around. “Get to Auntie Muriel’s!” she said. “We’ll fight them off.”

Fred and Elise disapparated to Auntie Muriel’s house, where they met up with George.

“Where’s Ginny?” Fred asked quickly.

“She stayed behind with mum and dad. Bill and Fleur will be here in a little bit. They don’t want anything to look too suspicious; they just want to make it look as if the wedding ended and we all left.” He said. “Thank God you two are safe.” He said. “We’d been looking all over for you.”

“We were a bit preoccupied.” Fred whispered, holding Elise’s hand out to George. George’s eyes softened.

“Oh, wow.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i know it looks like things are moving fast, but trust me, go along with it.
paahh, this was my first trial at updating on vacation. its hard to escape the family long enough to go into drafts, copy, paste, edit, and upload, but i'll make it through.