Sequel: Ready to Start
Status: finished, but the story never ends. continuation soon.

Means the World


They had spent the entire night partying at a pub. After the pub closed, they moved it to the hotel. After about two in the morning, Angelina and Alicia grabbed Lee and George.

“Alright, we should let the happy couple celebrate on their own.” They winked. “Have fun, you two.”

“But don’t have too much fun.” George warned. “We don’t want another scare, do we?”

Elise threw a pillow at him as they left. “Goodbye everyone! We’ll see you in a couple days!”
she called out.

When the door shut, Fred locked it. “Finally, we’ve got some peace and quiet.” He said, smiling.

Elise grinned. “And we’re finally alone.”

Fred crawled on top of her on the bed. “You don’t feel as if we rushed things, do you?” he asked hesitantly.

Elise gave him a look. “You’re not regretting anything, are you Mr. Weasley?” she asked.

Fred grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. “Not at all, Mrs. Weasley. I’m so happy you’re my wife…after all this time, we’re finally together.”

“After everything we’ve been through…being apart for so long, being led astray for all that time.” Elise murmured.

Fred shushed her. “Let’s not think of that. We have our whole lives ahead of us to think about it. I’d rather just spend a lovely night with my favorite girl.”

Elise smiled and started unbuttoning his shirt. “Then, Mr. Weasley, let’s have some fun.”


Elise woke up, tangled in the sheets. She and Fred had been married for a few weeks now.

“Don’t move…you look perfect.” He said, grinning.

Elise rested her face in her hand. “You say that every morning.”

Fred smiled. “Doesn’t mean I don’t want to talk about how perfect my wife is.”

Elise got up and threw on a robe and Fred sighed. “There goes my view.”

Elise sat on his lap. “Now, why is it again that you love me?”

Fred smiled honestly. “Because you love me…you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you make me laugh, you love my family, and I love you.”

Elise smiled. “And those are exactly why I love you.”

Fred sighed. “I wish we could just start our family now, you know?”

Elise nodded. “I know…but with everything going on, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” She said.

Suddenly, the phone was ringing. Elise picked it up; Fred was still new to telephones.


“Elise, its George. You guys need to get here right now.” George said, urging them. “It’s important.”

Within minutes, they were at the flat. “What’s going on?” George asked when he saw Lee and George packing up.

“We need to get to Hogwarts.” Lee said. “Harry, Hermione, and Ron are there apparently and there’s a huge fight building up. You Know Who will be there soon and they’re asking all of us to be there.”

Elise automatically brandished her wand. She, like the other girls, changed into more appropriate clothing. She put on a jeans and boots. Tying her hair back, she put on a durable sweater and jacket.

“Are we going straight there? I thought there were protective enchantments on the castle.” Elise asked.

Lee nodded. “We’re going through the Hogs Head. Your parents are already there, George and Fred.”

Fred turned to Elise. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked, worried.

Elise nodded. “Fred, you know I can handle this.”

Angelina nodded. “Now is not the time to be protective, Fred. She’s one of the best witches around and we’re going to need her if we’re really going up against what they’re planning.”

Fred sighed. “I can’t help it, alright?” he asked.

Elise gave him a reassuring smile. “I’ll be alright, Fred. I can take care of myself.”

Fred sighed. “Fine, let’s get on with this.”

The group apparated into the Hog’s Head. Witches and wizards from all over the place were apparating in. Elise saw Oliver standing next to Aberforth, the barman.

“Oliver!” she yelled out.

Oliver hugged her. “Elise! I haven’t seen you in forever! What have you been up to?” he asked.

“I got married.” She said bluntly, revealing her ring.

Oliver’s jaw dropped when Fred walked behind her. Oliver shook his hand. “Good catch, mate.” He said jokingly.

Fred grinned. “I’m pretty proud myself.”

“Alright, enough chatter, we have a big enough group to go into the painting.” Aberforth grunted. “Everyone in.”

They walked down the hallway to find the rest of the Weasley clan. For the first time in ages, the group saw Ron. He looked haggard and tired, but he was still ready to put up a fight.

Mrs. Weasley hugged Elise and the boys. “Oh, thank God you’re here.” She said. “The whole family is here now.”

“We’re ready. What’s the plan Harry?” Fred quickly asked.

“Er…there really isn’t one.” Harry said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

“Really, we need you and George to monitor the passageways.” Kingsley said. Elise hadn’t even noticed him or half of the order standing next to the family. She had been so concerned with the Weasley family and their safety.

“Right, we know them the best.” Fred and George said at the same time.

“What about me?” Elise asked.

“Elise, you’re good at dueling; after you help McGonagall get the kids out, you can help us out on the main floor.”

“No.” Fred growled.

“What, she can’t usher out a group of kids?” Ron asked.

“I will not have her dueling out there.” Fred yelled.

“We don’t have a choice, Fred!” Elise complained.

“We got married.” Fred told his mother.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i've had the shittiest day. first of all, i've been on the road since 2 am. our car broke down in tennessee around 1, we finally got it fixed and back on the road at 5, we looked for a hotel since 5:30, and now, at 11:38, we've just found one and settled in-it's the scariest place i've ever been.

this vacation better be worth it.