Status: Completed Guuyyyyz

Just Whisper, I Can Find You In A Crowd

Away From Home

I took a couple more deep breathes as I place the last of my things into my suitcase. I wasn't quite sure if I was even sure if I wanted to travel like 2,000 miles from home and college just to have a summer intern job.

I look down at my now packed bags and sigh as I zip my last bag and pick them up and walk towards the door. I stand in the doorway scanning my empty what use to be my college doorm. I felt sad to leave it but I mean I'll be most likely returning after summer break.

I turn and continue down the hall. The hallway was a mess, everyone leaving for the summer. Which meant student after student with arm loads of their belongings.

I push the elevator button and a wait for the elevator to appear. This elevator is always alow so it should probably take twice as long since everyone will probably be using it.

"Hey Ash, You leaving?" asks Jenny.

Jenny was the girl that was a couple dorms down from me. Straight A student, perfect teeth and not to mention her family is loaded. She was tall and tan and a skinny frame, almost to skinny. Her long blonde hair almost reached the middle of her back. Jenny was like a Barbie doll.

"Uh yeah" I say looking down at my bags. "You?"

"Yeah Yeah, I just got a couple things to get yet but other than that I should be leaving soon"

I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah I have a couple things left in my room like furniture but my parents will come get it tomorrow"

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" she asks.

"Oh I got an intern job in Tempe Arizona, well near Tempe" I explain.

"Cool cool, what kind of intern job?"

"Oh I'll be taking care of people" I say as I watch the elevator to make sure it doesn't get there and leave without me.

"Like old people?" She asks.

"No, like the mentally disabled"

Jenny knotts her eyebrows and bite her lip. "Well good luck"

The elevator then sounded as it opened. "Well I better be going, and thanks for the luck" I say stepping into the elevator.

"Yeah me too and no problem" she replies as the doors started to shut and I could not see her no longer.

I couldn't be more than happy to be out of that crowed elevator as we hit the first floor. I practically ran out.

As I walk outside into the Ohio sun It hit down on me, it was pretty hot outside but deep down I knew I had to prepare myself for the Arizona weather. Yeah that wasn’t going to be good.

I make my way out to my little silver car that sat in the third row and half way down. I popped the drunk and hurl my bags in. I plop into the driver’s seat and start the engine. The cool air conditioning felt great as it hit my skin.

Before pulling out I called my dad to remind him to come pick my other stuff up later, which then consisted of my mother getting on and bawling about how much she was going to miss her baby girl. I didn't hear her cry that much since I left for college, I was only going to be gone for 3 months.

When my dad finally pulled her off the phone he told me he loved me and that my mother was a worrier, which I already knew and to not worry about it. After ending the phone call I pull out and start my long drive to Tempe Arizona, which would take me a day and 5 hours to get to.

I take a deep breath as I approach the sign that said "Welcome To Arizona" which after awhile was joined by a "Welcome To Tempe" sign. I look out the window and examine my surroundings. For it being this hot there was a lot of people out and about.

I finally came to a small apartment complex that sat to the right. I guess this was what I was going to spend the next three months in. I park my car and walk up to the doors with loaded arms. I walk in and approach the counter.

"May I help you?" asks the lady at the desk. She looked mid 30's, black hair and smelled of gallons of perfume.

"Uh yeah, my names Ash Rivers and -" she cut me off.

"Here" she says throwing me the key to my apartment "Floor 4"

I nod my head as I walk towards the elevators. When in, I push the button labeled 4. I watch the numbers as they increased. As the number hit my floor number the doors slid open. I stepped out into what seemed to be a not so bad apartment complex.

I look at the key that read Room 126. I walk the halls until I found it. I stick the key in and turn it and open it to a nice little apartment. I was the perfect size and had a great view; it wasn't that bad after all.

This place didn't look like it was going to be bad after all. Which was an achievement since I'd be living here for the next three months. I was home.
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Kinda short but I shall get better, I promise. :D
Anything would be swell!