Status: Completed Guuyyyyz

Just Whisper, I Can Find You In A Crowd

Skin & Bones; Part 2

“No” I reply. “Just my-“I was hesitant with what I was to reply with. I didn’t want to say patient, because it’s rude and I didn’t want my family to look down at me…..So I went with the first thing that came to mind. “John is just a friend”. Yeah that was true.

“Oh” mutters me dad “Is this going to blossom into something?”

John’s cheeks must have turned three different reds. To spare him any further embarrassment I quickly replied. “No”. John turned to me like I had shot his family.

“Okay well than” My dad was one to change the subject when things got a little too awkward. “Who wants to eat?”

“I know I do!” replies my mom running to the picnic table full of food my sister had laid out.
I follow behind my dad to the table. John grabs my hand but I pull away. I didn’t want him to think we were more than just friends. I mean I do like John, he’s cool and cute but I had a job to do and I didn’t want to get fired.

I take a seat beside my sister at the table. I make myself a plate before noticing John sitting far down with the look of sadness spread across his face.

“Do you want these?” asks Tara with a plate full of hot dogs.

“Uh yeah……just hold on a second” I get up go down towards John.

“Hey!” I say taking a seat by side him. He stayed quit, looking down at the table with a blank expression. “Are you going to eat?” I ask. Still nothing. I was getting frustrated. “Look John-“

“Were you serious?” he mumbles.

“What?” I ask.

“Were you serious when you said we’d never lead to anything?” he repeats himself.
“John-“I start.

“Please, don’t reply to that, I’m dumb I shouldn’t ask that. I’m-“he mutters.

“Hey John?”


“Shut up and come with me” I chuckle.

“Go where?” he asks; a smile taking over his facial expressions.

“You’ll see”

“Honey we’ll be back!” shouts my mom as her and dad walks off to the bathrooms.
I waited till my sister Tara wasn’t looking and grab John’s hand and drag him to the woods. Surprisingly Tara never saw us and we managed to sneak off. I didn’t really find the significance of this plan I was going to just go with it.

“Why’d you bring me down here?” he asks.

“To question you” I chuckle.

“If it was about what happened up there, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it, I’m-“

“Are you going to kiss me or not?” I question.

John was dumbfounded. He stands there blinking uncontrollably. “W-hat?” he stutters.

“You want to kiss me, right?”

“More than anything….” He replies. “Wait! No! That sounded dumb. I’m sorry”

I push John up against a tree, pinning him beneath my hands. “Shut up and kiss me you winey!”

Are lips collided; sending shivers and tingles up and down my spine. It was more amazing than I thought a kiss could ever be. It felt perfect, it felt right, I loved it.

Our lips apart, John looking down at me. He himself was amazed; I could tell it in his beautiful eyes. John was the definition of perfection.

“Uh….” He mutters. “What now?”

“Get out of here?” I ask.

“What about your parents?” he questions.

“Fuck it, let’s just go!” I say grabbing his hands and running to the car.

I honestly didn’t care where we went, as long as I was with John.
♠ ♠ ♠
RAPE in the woods :D just kidding, there it happened.....they kissed. BUT unfortunatley I'ma going to leave you with this......Update later......nah just kidding maybe next week or some shit :D