Status: Completed Guuyyyyz

Just Whisper, I Can Find You In A Crowd

I Love You

The thought that I had just ditched my parents that I haven’t seen in forever never really crossed my mind. I know it makes me sound like a bad daughter but I mean I am young and in love, there’s nothing wrong with that, right? They’ll forgive me eventually.

John and I had back to my house so we could take less of a chance of being caught by someone out in the public. If we were to be caught outside of the hospital, we both could be in major trouble. I just hope they don’t show up at the house. I’d be fucked.

“Are you sure that we ditched your parents like that?” questioned John.

“No, I’m not sure, but either way, they’ll have to get over it” I chuckled. I take John’s hand as I walk him to the living room. “What do you want to watch?”

John eyed the giant shelf that sat next to the television that was filled with millions of movies. “Uh” he paused walking over and scanning each shelf.

John picked up the movie ‘The Ring’. Of course he would have. If only he knew my total fear of scary movies, I know I know, If I’m so scared of them why do I have them? I don’t know either.

“Is this okay?” he asked throwing the movie at me.

“Yeah, I love this movie” I lied.

“Good, it’s my favorite”


“It’s one of mine as well” I’m going to hell for lying.

It wasn’t even past the credit before I was clinging to John’s arm. John gave me questioning looks until he decided to speak.

“I thought you liked this movie?”

“I-I do. Love it” I replied hanging on tighter when the movie actually started.

“Really? Because the lack of circulation in my arm says otherwise” he chuckled.

“I guess. Err, no I actually hate scary movies……very much so” I admit.

“We can find another one, if you’d like” he suggests.

“No, no it’s cool”

“No, were turning it off, no arguing” he snapped taking the remote and turning it to regular cable. “Now go find something you’ll watch”

“You go pick, as long as it’s not scary”

John laughed getting up and walking over to the shelf. Returning with a mushy gushy love movie. That’s even worse than a scary movie.

“Is this okay?” he asked.

“Err….I guess” I chuckle. “Didn’t know you liked that kind of stuff”

“I don’t I figured you did” he defends.

“Awe, that’s cute, Johnny likes chick flicks” I tease.

“No, err, I just figured since you were a girl…”

“That what, I like the gush mush stuff?” I questioned.

“No…It’s not”

“Are you being sexist John?” I tease.


“Calm down…..I don’t even want to watch a movie no more” I laugh.

John gives me questioning look. “Then what do you want to do then?”

“Come here” I motion.

I pull him down next to me. “First off, get rid of this shit!” I say tossing the movie onto the floor. My place my lips onto Johns’ lips; It didn’t take time before he was obviously kissing me back. I push John back onto the couch wasting no time on climbing on top of his small skinny frame. He moaned softly into mouth letting me know that he was enjoying it. I slowly start to slide my hand down his pants. More moans escaped from his lips. After I got done torturing him, I removed my shirt and removed my pants. He was eyeing me with such lust. The site of just me in my bra and underwear were a bit over whelming for him.
“It’s your turn” I laughed as I start to remove his shirt.

“I-I guess s-so” he stuttered.

I remove his shirt tossing it off to the side. I kiss him passionately and slowly make my way down his body down to his belt line where I unbuckled his belt and pants tossing them to the floor. There lay me and John in our under clothes. I questioned if he was ready to do this. The lust in his eyes said yes. John then reached up and unhooked the strap of my bra.

Throwing it to the ground. He eyed my chest before grabbing my cheek and leading me down to his lips. I reached down to his boxers sliding my hand in to elastic that went around the top of them slowly pushing them down his legs. His obvious boner was now exposed. I eyed it before taking it into my mouth. John’s moans could probably be heard from the top floor, which was probably at least on floor 34…..and we were on floor 5…..After I was done teasing him with my mouth, Johns slowly slid down my panties and sat me on top of him. He stuck his erection into me as I began to ride. His moans and mine started to get louder. It was probably about 3 minutes before John’s final moan was released and I felt him get soft inside of me.

“Sorry” he panted. “I haven’t done that in a very long time”.

“It’s okay” I chuckled, clearly out of breath. “Me either”

I fall down beside him trying to catch my breath. I couldn’t believe what John and I had just done. Maybe it was wrong thing to do but I didn’t care, I loved John and that was totally worth it. Even if I do get fired.

“Hey Ash” says John

“Yes?” I ask

“You wouldn’t be freaked out if I said I loved you right now, would you?”

I look over at his beautiful hazel eyes pear over at me. A smile taking over his facial expressions; I couldn’t help but smile back. “Of course I wouldn’t care”.

“Good” he chuckles “Because Ash, I love you”

“I love you too John”

“You shouldn’t love me though, I know there are a lot of better men out there for you, and I don’t want you to just have to settle for me. I mean Ash, I’m in a mental hospital…..And I know I can’t buy you nice things and take you out on a proper date because of the situations I’m in but I can promise you all my love, all the love in this fucked up heart will be all yours, and nothing but yours. And I don’t know when I’ll be getting out but I do know that I love you Ash Rivers and I’d be happy…..hell more than happy if you’d be my girlfriend…. And you don’t have to say yes, but…”


“It would very nice that……” John paused and looked up at me with wide eyes. “Yes?”

“Yes….I’ll be your girlfriend” I propyl replied.

John stood still….trying to absorb what I just told him. Once it hit him he attacked me, colliding his lips with mine. I pull away from our embrace. “We better get you back to the hospital before they send a missing persons report out for you” I laugh

“Yeah, let’s go”.

I probably had a lot of explaining to do.
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Weeeelllll shit.....I should probably go put some soap in my mouth from this update.....I'm sorry if this was awkward but it wouldn't really sun right if i put "And then we did it"....thats dumb...but sorry for this awkwardness buuuuut there is probably only a couple more chapters keep looking for more :D