True love succeeds all

meeting for the first time

True love succeeds all
By: Kellie Beuchaw
Rachael was at the fake flower shop. She was buying a handful of pink roses when she spotted a beautiful white silk carnation that would fit perfectly in the middle of the pink roses. She was trying to cross the street when a huge coke-cola truck smashed into her tiny figure. She flew seven feet in to the air before landing on the hood of the passing car. The man’s car she flew onto was Roberts. He looked at the blood falling down on her precious, amazing purplish-blue eyes.
When reality finally kicked in he jumped out of his car and called the police and stayed by her side until help arrived.iit wasn’t until after three minutes did he realize she had one single flower in her hand. It was the white silk carnation. He reached down to grab it when she screamed in pain and frightened him when she threw the flower at him. He caught it and spoke soothing words to her trying to calm her. Finally after five painful minutes, the police and ambulance arrived to save her. They talked to Robert and asked how he was related to her and he said, without thinking, that he is her best friend. The officer nodded and took more notes while Rachael was shipped away. After a painstakingly fifteen minutes Robert was finally able to go and see Rachael.
He went to the hospital holding the white silk carnation the whole way there. It wasn’t until he got there did he realize he didn’t know the woman’s name at all. He panicked and paced around until he heard a man ask for Rachael Neion, the woman who got hit by a truck and landed on a passing car. The nurse told him that she’ll be in room five-hundred forty-seven in about three hours.
After about three minutes Robert asked the same question and got the same answer. He went to her room and went inside to meet the man. Right way Robert could tell that this man looked like Rachael and there was something off about him. The man was shocked and confused to see Robert and he asked questions on why Robert was here. Robert explained that it was his car that she landed on. They talked for at least two hours explaining stuff. Robert learned that the man was Rachael’s gay brother Kody and he was the only family Rachael had left.
Shortly Rachael come in and was asleep and the doctor said that she had seven broken ribs and has a fractured leg and elbow but has no internal bleeding what so ever. Kody and Robert were so thrilled to hear this. Rachael woke up three hours later to find her brother and a stranger or looked oddly familiar. Kody quickly saw her confusion and explained that this was Robert and it was his care she landed on. After a couple hours Rachael got really tired and Kody had to leave to be in Dallas, Texas by tomorrow morning. Kody and Rachael said their goodbyes but Robert stayed. Rachael told him he could leave but he couldn’t. You see right as he stared into her purplish blue when she got hit he didn’t realize that he had fallen in love with an angel.
Robert gave her the white silk carnation when she woke up and when he did she started to cry and he climbed into her hospital bed very carefully to comfort her. It worked; he stayed there until she fell asleep in his arms. When Rachael woke up she found that Robert was gone. Rachael was really sad, but she figured that he was just feeling guilty for it being his car she landed on. Little did she know he was coming back with breakfast and a couple of get well gifts.
When Robert got back he heard the soft, sweet sniffle of Rachael’s. he went in and asked her what was wrong but she wouldn’t answer. So Robert just shrugged it off and gave Rachael her meal. After she ate Robert gave Rachael her first gift. It was a green and pink braided bracelet because the doctor said she could go home with Robert as long as she was well taken care of. Rachael put the bracelet right away and thanked Robert for helping her in her time of need. Rachael slowly opened her box and peeked inside and when she did she started to cry. Inside the box was a small orange and brown flower pin. She whispered to Robert that she loved and it reminded her of the pin that her late grandma Nancie used to wear.
After they filled out her paperwork, he smiled and took her home. When they got to her house Robert looked around at her tiny but comfy house. While he looked he happened to look at a old picture. He got curious and asked Rachael if that was her mom and dad. Rachael nodded slowly with tears falling down her face in complete sadness. He went over to her and tried to comfort her as she wept about her dead mother and father. After awhile Rachael finally fell asleep in Roberts arms. Robert slowly moved Rachael into her bed as he went and made Chicken Alfaro, wilted lettuce and garlic bread sticks for dinner.
Rachael woke to the smells of different spices coming from the kitchen. Rachael tried to sit up but failed epically. Robert happened to walk by to see a struggling Rachael trying to sit up in her fluffy, forest green bed. Robert ran to help her up, but instead he fell into bed with her “accidently”. They both laughed and when the laughter stopped they stared into each other’s eyes, until Robert remember he had dinner on the stove.He ran to grab the dinner off the stove before it burnt, and watching Robert run sent Rachael into a fit of giggles. Her giggles made his day so much better. Thankfully Robert was able to save Rachael’s and his dinner from burning. He brought in two plates and gave one to Rachael. Rachael smiled in complete delight. She took one bite and moaned in delight and amazement at how good the spices mixed perfectly in her mouth.
She was eating some cheese and noodles when a little bit of the cheese sauce fell on to her shirt. Rachael didn’t notice it but Robert sure did. Robert got out his red pocket hanky and was about to dab it off when Rachael smacked his hand away and demanded to know why he tried to do that. He looked at her apoliceticly and mumbled that some of her cheese sauce had fallen on her shirt. She looked down embarrassed and said she was truly very sorry. He nodded and dabbed it off for her and turned back to his own plate. They finished eating in silence.
While Robert did the dishes a huge clap of violent thunder awoke a startled sleeping Rachael causing her to yelp out in fright. Robert ran to see what was wrong with his wrinkly, soaked. When he got to her room it was pitch black inside.He ran to her bedside and when he did he got knocked upside the head with her bedside lamp. It knocked him out cold. When he came to he saw Rachael with a thread and needle and was sewing up his head. He jerked around and was mad that she was doing that but she reassured him that she is a nurse and she knows how to do this the right way. After about a painstakingly ten minutes she was finally done and he was glad it was over because he could feel all the pain when she sewed his head up. They stared into each other’s eye for a few minutes before Rachael curled up under the covers scared of the dark. Lucky Robert always kept needle nose pliers in his pocket. He went and found the breaker box and fixed it so whenever a storm happed to come by it would never shut out the lights ever again.
Months went by and Rachael and Robert started to date. Rachael healed completely and Robert moved into her house. They were so happy together. After a while things went downhill. They fought a lot and they screamed at each other and Robert even moved out. A few years later Robert and Rachael met each other at the park. They talked and they both realized they were still in love with each other. Robert moved back in with Rachael, but this time Rachael had a bigger house. After a few years of dating Robert took Rachael out to the beach and they walked along the shoreline when Rachael happened to see a full clam shell. She bent over to pick it up. Robert got on one knee while Rachael picked up the shell. She opened it and found a pearl wedding ring. She turned around to see Robert on his knees and she screamed and cried. Robert asked her to marry him and her answer was a solid yes!
They got married next year on Friday the thirteenth. She had a beautiful white dress with a hair comb with pink flowers all over it. She even held the white silk carnation at her wedding. They went to Hawaii for their honeymoon. While on their honeymoon Rachael picked up a small piece of coral to remind her of that trip. That November Rachael was told she was pregnant with twins, a baby girl and a baby boy. They named the girl AraeBella Star Meard and they named the boy Kody Austin Meard.
One day Rachael was putting together her box when Ara came in and asked her what she was doing. They looked thru all the stuff she had put in there. There was the flower, the orange and brown pin, the jewelry box, the bracelet, the pliers, the old picture, the thread, the two shells that were once the clam, the piece of coral, the hair comb with pink flowers, and the red hanky. Rachael told her daughter the whole story behind each item in the box. Many years down the road Rachael and Robert were well on their death bed. As Rachael’s last request she got to hold the silk carnation for the last time as Robert got to hold his favorite red hanky for the last time. They both died of natural causes. They are well remembered for their attraction to each other.
The end.
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hope u like...aint sum of my best work but aint sum of my worst work either....