Status: Active, but very slow updates!

The Air of a Flame

Chapter 2

*Trinity’s POV*

I shot up from where I was laying and gasped. How long was I asleep? I looked around and saw the door open. I could hear voices from outside. Where was Monk Gyatso? I got up and hid behind the statue of Avatar Roku. I sat down and tried to gather my thoughts. Monk Gyatso said that I would wake up the next time someone opened the door. So was that Monk Gyatso coming to get me?

“All of the past Avatars…” I heard a girl say. “Aang, this is amazing!” Aang? Does she mean my brother Aang? I heard someone walk close to the statue of Avatar Roku. Suddenly on guard, I shot a blast of air at the person.

“AHHHH!” I heard a male voice cry out.

“What’s wrong?” I heard another person’s voice say. It sounded so much like my brother’s voice. “What happened?”

“Something just blasted me!” The first guy’s voice said again. “I was just looking at the statue of Avatar Roku and it just hit me!” Hah! Just looking? I bet he was going to vandalize the statue or something. No. No one can get in here without an airbender’s help.

Getting frustrated I said in a loud voice, “Leave! You do not belong here!” I just wanted them to go away. I wanted to find my brother and the monks and my friends. I needed space to think. “I said to LEAVE!” I shouted again. I shot the same boy with another blast of air before retreating behind the statue again. He was wearing clothes from the water tribes. But how did he get here?

“Show yourself!” Someone called out to me. It was the second boy’s voice again. “We aren’t going to hurt you.” The boy softened his voice. It was then I knew. That was my brother. The brother I had a fight with the day before he went missing. My twin.

“A-Aang?” I called out. I stepped out from behind the statue into the shadows. He was looking around, a confused expression on his face. A smile lit up my face. He was actually here! I ran over and tackled him in a hug. “Oh it is you! I’d thought I’d never see you again.”

I could sense his hesitation. He didn’t recognize me. I was just about to pull away when I heard him say, “T-Trinity?”

I nodded to him and held on tighter. He hugged me just as tight. “Oh Aang! I was so worried about you. We couldn’t find you and then the fire nation attacked an-”

“Wait. Hold on. The Fire Nation attacked? When? What happened?”

“It was horrible Aang! I was just sitting there in the courtyard and all of a sudden I see all of these dragons flying towards us with fire nation soldiers on them. I was so scared Aang! So I ran and found Monk Gyatso, but we couldn’t find you! So Monk Gyatso led me here and told me to sleep and that everything would be okay. But he never came back Aang! He never came back for me!” I told him in hysterics. He held onto me as I cried into his shoulder. Just like old times…

“Shh. Trin, it’s gonna be okay. You just have to calm down. It’s all over. The Fire Nation is gone. And I’m sure Monk Gyatso is around here somewhere.” He told me, trying to calm me down. I took a deep breath calmed down a bit. “Do you feel better now Trin?” He asked me gently. I nodded slightly.

“I’m sorry to interrupt this beautiful moment, but who the heck are you and why did you blast me TWICE?!” the boy from earlier said, raising his voice towards the end of his sentence. We both looked over to see him and that other girl standing there looking at us with confused expressions. I began to blush before hiding my face in my brother’s shoulder. I never liked being under someone’s scrutiny.

“Oh yeah, sorry guys. Trinity, this is Sokka” He pointed at the boy who was angry at me, “and Katara.” He pointed to the girl standing next to him. “They are both from the Southern Water Tribe. They saved me from an iceburg.” I gave him a questioning look. “I’ll tell you about it later Trin. Guys, this is Trinity. She’s my twin sister.” I gave them both a small wave.

“But how is she alive?” The boy-I mean Sokka asked.

“What do you mean? Monk Gyatso sealed me in here just before the Fire Nation soldiers started attacking us. It’s been a few days since then though, so everything should be okay now. Right Aang?” I asked confused.

“Ummm…Trinity, it’s been 100 years since then.” Aang tried to explain to me.

“What!? You’re kidding me right?” I looked at Aang, trying to see if he was joking. But I could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t. I started panicking. “No! It can’t be! What happened to everyone then!? What happened to Monk Gyatso? Where is everyone? What’s going on!?” I screamed frantically. I raced towards the door and through the corridors. It was so empty. I ran and ran, until I opened a door and I froze.

“Trinity? What’s wrong?” I heard Aang ask. But I was too frozen to reply. In front of me was a sea of rubble. Most of the surrounding things had fire nation armor and emblems on them. But in the middle sat Monk Gyatso, or what was left of him. There was a skeleton sitting there in a meditating position. It wore his robes and his medallion. That’s how I knew it was him. Only he had that medallion. It was special.

“Trin-” He stopped next to me. I could tell he saw it. He was in shock, just like I was. The man who helped us, taught us, and protected us was dead.

“No. No. NOOOOOOOO!” Aang screamed out. I felt so bad for him. He was so much closer to him because he helped Aang through all of the Avatar stuff. It just wasn’t fair.

All of a sudden, Aang started glowing. The arrows on his body glowed a bright blue, and when he opened his eyes, they were glowing too. A ball of air formed around his body, and raised him up off the ground.

“Hey what’s going on?” Sokka asked as he and Katara came through the door.

“It’s Monk Gyatso.” I said quietly. “He’s dead.”

“Oh no. I’m so sorry.” Katara said.

“Help Aang.” That was all I could say. I was still in shock and couldn’t help him like I should have been able too. She nodded to me.

“AANG!” Katara screamed trying to get his attention. “AANG!”

“You have to help him. Make him listen to you. It’s the only way.” I told her.

She went up to him, putting herself in danger, before continuing. “AANG! Look, I know it’s hard for you. Monk Gyatso was a really close friend to you, and that what happened here was wrong. But you still have me, and Sokka, and Trinity even! You don’t have to go through this all alone. We’re here for you!” She screamed while inching herself closer to him. When she was close enough to him, she grabbed him in for a hug. He began to calm down and the wind around us died. He stopped glowing and fell to the ground before Katara caught him and put him in her lap.

“Everything’s going to be okay Aang. I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters in one day! =]

Comments and advice are greatly appreciated! <3