
Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

Chapter Two

They walked inside, the house, it was dark, and it also looked very old. The three men rushed past Erin and behind a door at the end of the hall, however Remus stayed by her side, his voice calling someone.


“In the drawing room” a voice called back, Remus smiled and walked ahead, Erin didn't know if she should, but she followed him. They got to a room that looked like a living room; a man was sitting in a chair. He had long dark hair, it was slightly wavy and he had matching facial hair. He looked a bit frightening at first, like he was an ex prisoner.

“Ah, Remus, is this the girl?” he man asked, standing up.

“Yes, this is Erin Evans.... Erin, Sirius Black” Remus introduced them. Sirius shook Erin's hand and smiled. He offered her and Remus to sit down which both did. Erin stared off into space, looking up at this panting that looked like a big tree on the wall.

“So, Remus, a full moon tomorrow night, are you excited?” Sirius asked, smiling over to Remus who was now frowning, Erin didn't think it at all suited him.

“Not hardly” said Remus, his voice now bored.

“To bad I can't sneak out of here one night, it would be like old times...” Sirius stated, until Remus cut in.

“Sirius, you know you can't, you might …...”

Just then someone called for Sirius; he got up and left the room quick, Remus then stood up, as did Erin.

“What was he talking about?” she asked.

“Oh, nothing....” Remus trailed of.

“That was hardly nothing” said Erin, crossing her arms. “He said something about a full moon and...”

“You may as well know, the whole Order does” Remus cut in. “I'm a werewolf.”

“A what?” Erin asked, she was sure she didn't hear right.

“I am a werewolf, on every full moon I change into a werewolf, much to my dismay” he said, glumly.

“That's what I thought you said....” she trailed off, this day was getting weirder and weirder, she must be dreaming, she was sure of it, till she heard a loud bang, then bellowing screams.

“Oh, sorry” they hard a female yell, they then herd another bang.

“Nymphadora” a growling voice yelled.

“Don't call me that, I told you” they heard the female voice yell again. Erin looked up at Remus and he had a small smile back on his face.

'What was that?” Erin asked, worried.

“That was just Tonks, she's a bit clumsy.”

“No, I mean that screaming.”

“Oh, the portrait of Walburga Black” said Remus, not seeming to be fazed by this anymore. But before Erin could ask anything else on the matter, Remus walked out of the room, Erin fallowed close behind him, he stopped and watched as more people came in the front door, he turned to her and pointed at a man and a long black cloak. “That's Severus Snape.”

“He looks angry” Erin stated, absentmindedly.

“Oh, he always looks that way” Remus smiled. “Me and Sirius went to school with Snape, he still seems to resent us for all the things Sirius and James did to him.”

“Who's James?” Erin then asked, Remus looked down at her as if he had never heard anyone ask this before.

“Just an old friend, you'll find out soon enough” said Remus.

“Oh, when will he be here?” At that, Remus looked away from her.

“He's, er... dead.”

“Oh, I'm sorry.... I didn't know” she right away felt bad, she had barley known Remus Lupin for an hour and she felt she was making a bad first impression, but how is she to know who James is or if he is dead? She was only asking.

“We should get to the meeting, all the Order members should be here by now” Remus stated, fast. Erin fallowed him into the kitchen, that was in the basement, where there were many men and a few women sitting around a long kitchen table, Erin sat down next to Sirius Black who was talking to one of the men that came to get her, Erin believed his name was 'Dung,' Remus sat across the table from her and then a man at the head of the table stood up. He had long, flowing, silver hair and a beard that went down to his waist.

“Good evening Oder members” the man stated, right away Erin felt this man was extremely trust worthy and powerful.

“That's Dumbledore” Sirius Black whispered to her, she nodded and watched as the silver haired man talked. Soon the meeting was let out and Erin sat there confused, no one told her why she was here, Dumbledore didn't even act like she was there at all.

“That's nice” she barked, feeling a bit angry. 'It would be lovely to know why I'm here... maybe the old fool could have even acknowledged me.”

“Albus Dumbledore is not an old fool” said Sirius Black.

“You tell me why I sat here for an hour listening to him talk about something called a Death Eater then and not tell me why I was brought here?”

“Dumbledore does things differently, if you wish to know why your here go find him and ask” he told her.

“I will” she shot back. “After all a pretty girl like me around a bunch of men, it’s obvious why I was brought here.”

“Wow, there can be no way your related to Lily, she would never be so arrogant.”

“Pardon me?” Erin then asked, she was feeling very confused again, she had no idea what he was talking about. Sirius Black had gotten up and was walking out of the room now, she fallowed, wanting answers. “What did you say?”

“I shouldn't have said anything....” he trailed off.

“But you did” she walked in front of him and stopped him from walking up the stairs. “Who's Lily?”

“Harry's mother... James' wife.... Dumbledore has reasons to believe that you might be a second cousin we didn't think Harry had any other relatives other than the Dursleys.”

“Wait” she stated, her brain felt like it was on fire. “Who's Harry? Who is this Lily and who the hell are the Dursleys?”

“You don't know who Harry is?” Sirius seemed to have only heard half of her sentience. “Harry....Harry Potter?”

“I have no idea....”

“Harry Potter is the boy who lived; he survived the killing curse, making it back fire on Voldemort.”

Erin was just to confused to even bother asking who Voldemort was or stating that she didn't even know there was such a thing as a killing curse. Erin sat in the drawing room listening to Sirius Black tell her everything she needed to know about Harry Potter, Lily Potter (Evans) and Voldemort, she was stunned to say the least. She felt ignorant for not knowing all this was happening, she felt bad for all the people who got hurt or killed by those Death Eaters, and now it was all happening again, it scared her, she knew she should feel safe, obviously Dumbledore thought this was the safest place for her, yet she didn't know Dumbledore, never spoken a word to him, was this place really safe? Was it all a trap? She sat there staring off into space again. She hadn’t even noticed that Sirius had left, however she did look up when Remus Lupin walked into the room.

“All right?” he asked, taking the seat Sirius had.

“Just taking it all in.....Sirius just told me I might be related to Harry Potter and he is the boy who lives and.....” she trailed off, heaving a deep breath.

“He wasn't supposed to tell you that” Remus said, worriedly.

“Well, he did” Erin exclaimed. Nothing was said for a moment or two, Erin went back to worrying, was she going to be stuck in this house forever? Could she leave if she really wanted to?

“It's perfectly normal to be worried, but I assure you there’s nothing to fear” said Remus. “We'll take good care of you and soon you will be back home.”

Erin searched for words, yet couldn't bring herself to say anything, moments latter Remus stood, Erin absentmindedly did the same.

“Well, I best be off.”

“You’re leaving?” she asked, shocked; he was going to leave her there?

“I must, but don't worry, Sirius will show you to your room, I'll be back soon to see how you are doing.”

“You can't leave me here...” she trailed off.

“I'm afraid I have no choice.”

She followed him to the door of which she had come in just hours ago, she watched him leave with a puzzled look, she was sure the rest of the Odors has gone too and now she was alone in the house with a man she hardly knew. Sirius didn't seem like a bad guy but she had grown to trust and somewhat like Remus Lupin, she felt much better when he was there, and now that he had gone she felt more worried than ever before.

“Shall I show you to your room, then?” came Sirius' voice behind her.

“I s'pose.....” She followed him up the stairs, the stairs seemed to go on and on, they passed a few floors as they climbed, she noticed something strange, it looked like heads lining the one wall, much like when muggles mound deer heads, but these looked like aliens, she suddenly felt very worried again and quickened her walking to stay up with Sirius. Finally after what seemed like an hour but was only a few minutes Sirius turned and walked down a hallway. They reached a door; everything in the house seemed so old, the door made a noise as he slowly opened it. She walked past him and inside the room, her bag was already sitting on the bed waiting for her, the room like the rest of the house looked old and unused,

“If you need anything I'm down the hall” Said Sirius. “Or you could call the house-elf but he's completely useless.”

“House-elf?” Erin questioned.

“I'll explain in the morning.”

Soon she was left alone in the room. She put her stuff away then lay down in the lumpy bed, but as she lay there no sleep came, she would turn on her left side then her right. She lay on her back, yet no sleep came, she found that the day’s events were much too exciting to sleep.
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Alright, bare with me ppl, I'm a new writer.... I don't like this chapter that much but it was needed... I'll do more later... SOMEONE PLEASE COMMENT OR SUB!!!!!!!