
Diagon Alley

Chapter Four

So, the next day Erin fallowed Remus out of the front door, she hadn't been outside in a few days and found the feeling of wind blowing through her hair quite lovely, the sun was bright, but there was a nip in the air, October was near. She followed him down the steps and down the side walk, it looked a lot different in the daylight, just like the number 12 the houses lining the street looked old and unused, just like at night.

Remus was clutching his wand within his pocket, this worried Erin a bit, was he expecting someone to show up? Maybe a Dementor, or maybe Death Eaters. That this thought she quickened her walking and found herself close to his side, he suddenly stopped at a cross walk, she looked around scared, had he seen something?

“We will be Apparating to The Leaky Cauldron” said Remus, quickly, looking around as if seeing if there's anyone eavesdropping. She didn't have time to respond for he grabbed her arm and within seconds she was being whipped around, she didn't like Apparating anymore this time then she did the first time. She felt her feet hit the ground again; her head was a bit dizzy as a dark alley-way came into focus.

“Come on” he muttered, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward, they made it onto the main street and right across the street was a pub, passersby didn't even seem like they saw The Leaky Cauldron, other than one little girl; who looked about eleven, whose mother was pulling her along the street at a fast rate.

“Only wizards can see it” muttered Remus.

“So, you mean where in the middle of muggle London?”

“Yes” he seemed unfazed by this news, but Erin was almost as giddy as when he grabbed her hand a minute ago; she had always wanted to go to London, now she found herself in the heart of London, she couldn't bear the thought of coming here and not looking around.

“Can we go into a muggle store?” she asked, he looked at her with a look that said 'this was not part of the plain.' “Oh please, just one store, I've always wanted to come here.”

He looked very much on the verge of saying no, he seemed nervous and his eyes flashed a few times.

“Alright, one muggle store.”

She walked fast down the street; she couldn't pick what store to go in, a clothing store? No, she didn't like fashion that much. A gift store? Who did she have to buy for? She suddenly stopped in front of a muggle craft store; Remus came up next to her and stared at the door.

“I haven't any muggle money” he told her.

“Dung gave me a bit of muggle money for my muggle bracelet.” she stated, heading for the door, as she opened it a bell rang, she smiled looking at the clay you could buy, the paint brushes, the paint.

“How did Dung get muggle money?” he asked, looking around as if he didn't belong there.

“I didn't ask....”

He didn't say anything else as she walked around, he just slowly fallowed behind her, she wondered if he had ever went into a muggle store before. She finally found what she wanted; a drawing kit, with pencils and paper, she was sure she'd have enough money for it, she was right. They walked out of the store and went back up the street to The Leaky Cauldron, he opened the door for her and they walked in, just with stepping inside she felt like she was in a whole new world, people looked so different in the pub; some were sitting at the bar, some were sitting at tables, everyone was wearing odd clothing, some even wore things over their faces.

“This way.”

She followed him through a door and faced a brick wall. She watched him puzzled as he felt the brick wall

“Three up and two across” he muttered, then tapped the wall three times with his wand. The brick wall slowly cracked, she wondered if he broke it for a second before the crack started to widen, she could see a street and people walking up and down it and going into stores.

“Diagon Alley” he told her, making a forward motion with his hand. They walked down the street; she liked this place more than the muggle street. She looked up and saw Gringotts the wizarding bank, Sirius had told her all about Diagon Alley the night before, but it was nothing like seeing it. Remus stopped in front of a shabby looking building with an old sign that read 'Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC' in peeling gold letters over the door. Once again Remus opened the door for her. There were thin and long boxes all over the place, selves and selves of them. An old man came into the front of the store. As he showed her wand after wand Remus stood in the background, just as he had done in the muggle stop.

An hour later they left Ollivanders, Erin clutching a new wand; it felt nice in her hand, she felt warmth, she had never felt with her old one, this wand fit her. They walked back to The Leaky Cauldron, but instead of leaving they sat down at a table, she admired her wand as he went up to the bar, he came back moments later two drinks in hand.

“If you don't mind waiting a few minutes, I need to meet someone here about Order business” he stated, taking his seat again.

“I don't mind at all.”

A few minutes went by, it was a bit weird to be sitting there, neither of them talking, Erin was still staring at her wand, but the silence was getting to awkward for her.

“So, you were a teacher at Hogwarts?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes, Defense Against The Dark Arts.”

“I see....” she trailed off, she had many questioned to ask about the dark arts, but didn't know what to ask. First. She looked up and around, she wondered where this person he was meeting was and who it was.

“Dumbledore said it was alright if I showed you a few things, but I'm afraid it won't be that often" said Remus, breaking her thoughts.

“Sirius said he would do it too” she then stated. Remus nodded, lightly. Just then someone came into the door.

“That'll be her” Remus stated, standing up, the person dropped her hood and let her pink hair shine. She spotted Remus and with a smile walked over to him.

“Hello, Remus” she sated, she smiled bigger than ever. Erin looked her up and down; she couldn't be much older than Erin was. She remembered her from the Order meeting; she was the one that made Sirius' mother's portrait scream when she knocked over something.

“Good afternoon Nymph....”

“Tonks” she interrupted him, he smiled.

“Tonks...” he trailed off, with an eye roll. She finally realized they weren't alone; she looked at Erin with a much smaller smile.

“You were at the Order meeting... your Erin, right?”

“That's me” Erin stated, she didn't know why but there was something about Tonks that bugged her.

“Well, if you will excuse us for a moment” Remus turned back to Erin; who just nodded and watched them walk away. She sipped her drink, awaiting his return, hopefully he would return without Tonks with him. That he did, five minutes later; looking rather flustered.

They left the pub and went back to the ally-way where he Apparated them back to the side walk, moments later they were walking into 12, Grimmauld Place, Sirius greeted them at the door.

“Let's see the wand, then” he told her, as he followed her into the drawing room, she handed him the wand as she took a seat in a chair. “Ah, very nice.”

He handed the wand back to her and took a seat in a chair as well, neither of them were sure where Remus had went to, but their wondering was answered when he walked into the room, he didn't say a word as he started to push furniture into a corner.

“What are you doing, Moony?” Sirius asked, watching him.

“Oh” he said, standing up straight and rolling up his sleeves. “I thought we'd get on with showing her a few things, better to start sooner rather than later.”

Sirius agreed and got up to help him. Soon they had her standing in the middle of the room, Sirius and Remus talking in quiet, disusing what spells to show her.

“Something simple, first year work” said Remus.

“How about Lumos?” Sirius suggested, Erin had read about Lumos, that’s when your wand lights up at the tip.

“I have it, Reparo” said Remus, smiling slightly, turning to her. “It's the spell you tried to do when we came to get you.”

“That'll do” Sirius muttered, looking around the room eagerly, he walked out of the room and returned with a golden plate, he smirked wildly as he let it fall out of his hand and smash into pieces on the floor. He moved away from the broken plate and watched her intensely.

“Now” said Remus. “You've got to really think about what you’re doing, you need to fix the plate....”

She pointed her wand at the pieces of the plate; she heaved a deep breath then muttered “Reparo.”

Nothing happen, Sirius sighed, looking disappointed, but that was nothing to how Erin was feeling.

“That's alright” said Remus, reassuringly. “Let's try again, shall we?”

She nodded and once again pointed her wand at the mess on the floor, she sighed, thinking deeply of doing nothing but fixing the plate, she needed that plate. “Reparo.”

The pieces of the golden plate moved together, there was now a whole plate on the floor. Erin smiled happily as Sirius picked up the plate and looked at it, thoroughly.

“Not bad” he told her, and she smiled little bigger.

“Not bad at all” Remus chimed in, the smile then went to a new extreme, if she didn't stop smiling like this soon, her face would explode.
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Ok, theres another chapter... I like this chapter a bit more then the last two, I hope someone likes it enough to comment and sub!!!