Status: Writing

Monsters Are Real


A buzzer sounded, the bars sliding past her. For a split second, she thought about turning around and running out. There was absolutely no reason for her to be here and yet, she felt like it was something she had to do. The ‘Meeting Room’ as they called it was mostly empty, aside from a girl sitting at a table in the center. Their eyes met as Miranda walked in, but immediately, the girl looked away.

“Hello Shelby.”

“Hey Professor.”

Miranda sat down in front of Shelby. It was odd seeing her in the dull gray jumpsuit. ‘One of these things is not like the other’ played inappropriately in her head.

“I think we’re past the niceties,” she gave a small smile, “you can call me Miranda.”

Shelby grinned, but it was pained. Miranda cleared her throat, setting her bag down by her feet.

“I talked to my defense attorney. I told them that you helped me escape and he says he might be able to get a parole hearing for you.”

Shelby nodded, “My lawyer told me. I don’t think they’ll give me parole.”

“Why not? It’s not like you killed those girls. Not to mention you told the police everything they wanted know-”

“But I helped.” Shelby interrupted. “I watched as he raped and killed those girls, I helped him dump the bodies, I-” she paused, eyes downcast at the floor.

Flashes of Shelby undressing Miranda and pulling that needle in and out of her arm came to the front of her mind.

“That doesn’t mean you won’t get a reasonable judge,” her voice faltered, seeing the guilt eating away at Shelby. “Look, I wanted to come here to thank you.”

Shelby looked up.

“If you had not helped me out that night, I probably would have died. It took a lot of courage to stand up to Ryan.”

She nodded, fiddling with the hem of her blouse. “I don’t even know why I did it. Go with Ryan, I mean. We weren’t treated any better than you were.”

Miranda frowned, “What do you mean?”

Slowly, Shelby moved the hair and clothing covering her neck and shoulder, showing bite marks all over her skin. Some were scarred, but some were still healing.

“We weren’t tied up, but he kept us locked in one of the rooms upstairs, coming in and biting us whenever he felt…hungry, I guess. Not to mention we were his sex puppets. That night after you bit his lip, I got the brunt of his anger.” she pointed to a deeper bite mark, still raw.

Miranda stared, shocked at what Shelby was telling her, “Then, why did you help him? Why didn’t you leave?”

Shelby shrugged, “I felt like I couldn’t. When I first met him, he told me he would make me like him, make me immortal. Then, when he started killing girls, I just assumed it was all part of it. I’d read so many books on it and it made sense.”

“What changed your mind?”

She nervously pushed some hair behind her ear, “I saw him take off his fangs. I went to go tell him that you were ready and I saw him take them off. Press ons, I guess. It was like…this light came on in my head and I just knew I had to get you out of there.”

Miranda shook her head, “I’m so sorry.”

“I should be the one who’s sorry.”

There was silence between them and Miranda nodded and stood, “I’d better go. If you like, I can come visit you again.”

Shelby watched Miranda get up, smirking, “I’d like that.“

Miranda gave her a comforting smile, the turned and walked towards the exit.

“Oh, wait, I forgot...”

She turned around, seeing Shelby walking towards her. “Uhm, can I ask you something personal?” her voice was lowered, eyes darting back and forth between the two guards at the door.

“Sure, I guess.” Miranda nodded.

“Were you on birth control when Ryan took you?”

Miranda felt her stomach give a little, “N-no. Why?”

Shelby leaned in closer, whispering, “You might want to get yourself checked. Ryan never used anything when we had sex, so I’m assuming he didn’t with you either. Just an FYI.”

With that, she turned and walked to the opposite door. Miranda stood frozen in her place, feeling like her stomach had dropped to the floor.

“Ma’m?” The guard slid the bars open again and poked her shoulder. “Is everything alright?”

It took a minute, but Miranda finally nodded and went out of the Meeting Room, the bars slamming shut behind her.

“I’m just fine.”

Her mind reeled like a merry-go-round out of control as she made it to the outside. Immediately, she turned to a patch of grass and vomited violently. She covered her mouth, blood and heat rushing to her face.


Spencer watched Miranda closely. They were sitting on her couch, watching an old, black and white film. They were holding hands, but he could tell Miranda was somewhere else completely.

“Everything alright?”

“Huh?” she looked away from the television to Spencer. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking is all.”

He smiled, “Can I ask what you’re thinking about?”

“It’s just-” she paused, wringing her fingers, “I went to see Shelby today.”

Spencer frowned. “Why?”

“To thank her for what she did.”

He frowned deeper, “She helped a psychotic kidnap and assault you, what-”

Miranda squeezed his hand, “Shelby helped me escape that night. I was able to get away because of her. Honestly, I probably would have died before you came, had she not let me go.”

He remembered that she had already been outside when they showed up, and from the ligature marks on her ankles and wrists, she wouldn’t have been able to get out on her own.

Miranda touched his face softly, “I know it was unorthodox, but I had to go. She made a lot of bad choices, but in the end, she made a good one. Doesn’t that count for something?”

Spencer leaned in, putting his head against hers. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to be sorry, you’re concerned. Isn’t that what boyfriends are supposed to do?” she smiled.

He liked the sound of that. Boyfriend. He kissed her lightly, pulling her closer to him. She kissed him deeper, which surprised him a little. They hadn’t been more intimate than a quick kisses here and there. He understood, considering what happened to her. Bouncing back from that wasn’t easy and he absolutely wasn’t going to go past what she was comfortable with. So when she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a fuller kiss, he was taken aback.

Miranda pulled back and he noticed that tears were brimming. “What’s wrong?”

“Uhm, Shelby gave me a little tidbit of information and I’m kind of, actually,” she gave a weird laugh, “I’m really scared.”

“What did she tell you?”

She wiped a falling tear from her face, “She told me that Ryan never used protection.”

It took a moment for his brain to fit into place what Miranda was saying. Finally, his eyes got wide, knowing exactly what she was saying.

“Did you…?”

Miranda shook her head, inhaling sharply. "I was too scared to find out on my own. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so, I had my baby in October, had both sets of parents here, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, my parents coming to visit again, and the basic things a mommy has to do. SO! That's why I haven't updated and I'm sorry. My schedule is kind of evening out, so I'll be able to update a lot more. Thanks for your patience!

You guys are amazing! <3<3