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Scars Are Left Behind, but Some Too Deep to Feel


“Good Jimmy again” my instructor Ashley called.
I concentrated and held my hand out in front of me, the boulder was lifted shakily off the ground and I started to feel the strain in my mind. I clenched my fist when it was a few feet up and it shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces.
“Again” he instructed.
I shook the fatigue form my limbs and again shattered the boulder with my mind. I hated this training but it was necessary.
“Let's practise your shield now” he smiled evilly. This was even worse. I shakily lifted my arm as Ashley pulled out a gun and shot in my direction eight times. The bullets stopped about an inch from me. Then they fell to the floor one by one.
“You could do better” Ashley criticised. One of the guards came outside and led me back in, I felt frustrated. I got better every week but all that bastard could do was criticise me, hell, the first time he had tried that shield business on me I was shot four times. I was glad the day was over, the mixture of mental and physical training had exhausted me.
I sat in a chair in the canteen and waited for my friends to turn up, luckily I made friends in this place or I swear I would have gone insane.
Matt came first, he also looked tired from the days training, Matt could control the element of fire. He had to have a source for it, but he could manipulate it in any way he wanted. Next, Brian arrived, Brian could move faster than anything on the planet, the scientists at the institute estimated he could run at the speed of sound. Johnny was a short little shit but he had the strength of a elephant, he could lift anything and throw anything, as well as punch through eight foot of solid concrete. The last one was Zack, as usual, Zack could manipulate his molecular structure, allowing him to phase through solid objects and withstand any impact. At least that's what the scientists said about him.
In my opinion, I have the coolest power, I can move anything with my mind, telekinesis is the proper term, as well as being able to read people's minds, a very useful ability for being generally nosey. The guards and stuff don't know I can do that and I had been quietly developing it with my friends and I worked out I can be used as a sort of adapter to let us all link minds and have a mental conversation, so we could 'talk' about anything we wanted. Even escaping. Now, almost 5 years after being brought in, my powers had developed pretty well.
We had been brought into this centre when we were thirteen years old, we had been taken from adoption centres and brought here so they could give us powers and turn us into super soldiers. The power pick was random, apparently.
You may ask why there's all these miserable kids here with super powers and we haven't escaped yet, the thing is, most of the guards have powers as well. And they are more trained then us at controlling them.
The most irritating thing was that they kept the guys separate from the girls. I had not laid my eyes on a woman since I was thirteen. All the instructors, guards and doctors in this part of the facility were male.
The good thing was at the exact day that we had been here for five years we were moved into a third building that housed both sexes. But the bad thing is they paired us up with a woman and we didn't get to see the rest of either sex. I think they pair us up with the one they want us to have kids with and breed some pure blood freaks, not ones that have been injected with the gene. I'm not sure if it works anyway, and this part is just my opinion.
Tomorrow will be the day me. Matt, Johnny, Brian and Zacky have been here for five years, and I couldn't wait.
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New stories are so much fun :D
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