Status: SLOOW updates

Scars Are Left Behind, but Some Too Deep to Feel

Chapter 1

I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling. The whole room was plain and white, I have no idea why it was white, probably to keep me awake all fucking night. It was certainly working.
I could never sleep in this room, I had to cover my hole head up with the cover, and look like a complete freak. The lack of windows and clocks made in impossible to tell what time it was, I could usually guess if I was outside.
I relaxed my mind and let it wander throughout the others in the building, all my friends were asleep so I had no one to harass. Then it dawned on me, I could contact the girls building if I concentrated hard enough.
I let my mind wander to the other building across the complex, I had to be careful I didn't contact a guard.
I finally felt a strong mind, I would be able to contact this person, hello?
WHAAAT? It replied.
Sorry, I'm Jimmy, I didn't mean to scare you I tried to reassure her.
Oh, so your in the other building? My name is Katernina she answered.
Yep, I get to move into the third building tomorrow, you have a very pretty name by the way I added, flirting a little I admit.
Me too, maybe we'll get paired together, how can I speak to you? She questioned.
I'm telepathic, so I can talk to people with my mind I answered.
Oh, I see I really hope we do get paired, I don't get a lot of company here, the girls side is pretty lonely she added sadly.
Hopefully, I better let you get to sleep now I sent her.
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight she replied.
Night I finally sent before retracting my mind, I had actually spoken to a girl, that’s what you call awesome.

We had been told that the boss man, I don't have a clue what's he called, wanted to meet us all individually and pair us up.
When it was my turn to go in I was understandably nervous, the only time I had met this dude was when I first came to the institute, five years ago today.
“Good afternoon James” he greeted me.
“Good afternoon sir” I replied.
“You can sit down” he said, pointing to a seat opposite him.
I went to sit down and tripped over my own feet, I felt like a complete idiot. I managed to catch myself before I fell flat on my face. I sat down awkwardly, not wanting to make any more of a fool of myself. The dude looked at me like I was an idiot before he looked down at a pile of paper.
“James, it says here you are advanced in telekinesis?” he questioned.
“Uhhh... yeah... sir” I replied, feeling utterly confused.
He looked at another piece of paper and muttered something that sounded like “monkey's foot” which I seriously doubted was what he said.
He typed something on his computer and then said, “I have found a partner for you, he name is Katerina and she is a summoner”
“A summoner?” I questioned, that sounded interesting, was it the Katerina I spoke to last night?
“A summoner can summon being or objects for assistance, even spirits in some cases, it is quite a rare ability, much like yours” he answered stiffly.
Soon after this, a guard came and took me out onto the training field, Ashley was there and he told me, “Wait here and your partner will arrive shortly”
After a few minutes, I could sense some people approaching. I turned around a saw a female guard with another girl. I assumed the younger one was Katerina.
She approached nervously, I smiled warmly, at least I think it was a warm smile. It could have been a grimace for all I knew.
“This is Katernina, James” Ashley said as the guard left.
She had long brown hair, at least down to her waist. Her pale skin shone in the sunlight and her face had soft and pretty features with violet eyes. She had a dainty body, and being a guy, one of the first places I looked was her breasts, which were moderate sized.
I probably looked a right state, I hadn't looked in a mirror all day and God only knew what my hair looked like. She smiled at me and I smiled back.
“I will conduct your first training session together, and then you will have a different trainer. You will both be taken into your new room after the session, James you start” Ashley said, stepping back.
I lifted my hand slowly, I looked at the boulder, then Katerina out of the corner of my eye and decided to show off.
I quickly lifted the boulder, I then smashed it using psychic energy from my other hand. I then used both my hands to lift up the remains and tuen it to dust, I let the dust fall and I smirked.
“Excellent James” Ashley congratulated, he actually congratulated me!
Katerina politely clapped. “Your turn Katerina” Ashley smiled, there had to be a first time for everything.
“Beat this” she teased. She knelt down on the floor, put her hand on the ground and closed her eyes. A second later she quickly raised her hand off the ground and stood up in one fluid movement. Out of the ground came a massive human shape creature made out of what I would describe as shadows and fire, it was fucking scary looking. It had giant wings and huge horns, I swear this is what I pictured Satan to look like.
I stepped back, “James, never be afraid of an opponent” Ashley shouted.
I lifted my hand nervously, preparing to activate a shield if necessary. Suddenly, the creature shot a ball of fire at me. Just in time, I stopped the fireball, I quickly turned still holding the fireball in my energy and flung it back at the creature. It was barely affected, much to my annoyance. I tried to quickly think, what could I do to this thing? I literally had no idea.
Suddenly, an idea dawned. I built up a lot of energy in my fist, which is exhausting I can tell you, and shot it at the ground at the creatures feet. The ground cracked and split, making a large and deep hole. The creature fell in and made an inhuman screech. I flinched and covered my ears. A second later, it few back up and started to shoot more freaking fire at me. I activated a shield and hoped it would exhaust itself before I became exhausted.
“Stop Katerina” Ashley commanded.
The creature disappeared back into the ground and I lowered my defences, slowly.
“You two did well today” Ashley said as he walked away, a guard came and told us to follow him. I had sweat pouring off me from the heat of the creatures fire and felt hot and sticky. I probably looked like a right mess.
The guard led us straight to our new room. It awkwardly had a double bed. He shoved us inside and closed and locked the door. I sat on the corner of the bed, needing to sit down before I collapsed.
“Are you Jimmy who spoke to me the other night?” she asked softly.
I nodded, too tired to speak. “I'm sorry what I did with the demon, I wanted to impress you” she added sheepishly.
“I'm impressed” I admitted shakily, “that was the scariest thing I had ever seen”
“You were good as well, I didn't know people could do that sort of stuff” she said shyly.
“I really need a shower” I groaned.
Katerina pointed to a closed door, “I wonder what's in there?”
I stood up and walked over to the room, I was surprised it was a bathroom, it had a shower and a toilet, my other room was literally a room. “It's a bathroom” I called out.
She came in and looked around, “You can shower first if you want, there's some clothes in the draws”
I thanked her and she went out, I started the shower and stood under the hot running water. I felt instantly relaxed, I loved to shower. When I got out, I realised I didn't have a towel.
“Katerina?” I called out.
“Yeah?” she answered.
“I need a towel, is there one in there?” I asked.
“Yeah, I'm coming in” she shouted.
I felt alarmed, I was naked.
She walked in and looked me up and down, “Not bad” she smirked, throwing the towel at me.
I swear I went bright red, I got even worse when she started to strip, I tried to avert my eyes, but I ended up staring at her body. She grinned at me and stepped into the shower.
“Like what you saw Jimmy?” she shouted out.
I laughed nervously as I towelled myself dry, living with Katerina was certainly going to be interesting.
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Thank you readers, subscibers and Durch-Den-Monsun-87 for commenting <3
Comment, if you enjoy :D :D