Status: SLOOW updates

Scars Are Left Behind, but Some Too Deep to Feel

Chapter 2

“WAAAAKE UP!” someone rudely shouted and started to bounce on my bed.
“Sleeping” I mumbled.
“Wake up!” they shouted again. I cracked open my eyes, and thought. Where the HELL am I? The I remembered I had been moved into the new room.
I looked over and saw Katerina bouncing on the bed.
“Sheesh woman” I exclaimed, surprised someone could have so much energy so early.
“I'm so bored” she whimpered sadly.
I felt pity on her then and I grabbed her and pulled her onto my chest, “Relax” I told her calmly.
She looked up at me with her huge violet eyes and my heart skipped a beat, she looked beautiful.
She lent up and her lips were so close to mine, I thought we were going to kiss, my heart was beating like crazy. Then she blew a massive, wet raspberry in my face. I sat there with my mouth slightly open as she giggled like a lunatic and bounced around on the bed.
“That's it!” I shouted in mock anger.
Katerina squealed and ran across the room. I chased her, I easily caught up because I am so fantastically tall. I picked her up as she screamed like she was being murdered.
I threw her on the bed and sat on her stomach, “Your going to regret that now missy”
I started to tickle her, she screamed and laughed like a mad person. I started to laugh too.
A guard came in and looked at us like we were mad, “What are you doing?” he hissed.
“Nothing” I wheezed, barely being able to breathe from laughing.
“We're fine” Katerina replied quietly as she wiped a tear off her face. She looked at me and we both started to snigger.
“Be quiet” the guard command. He gave us a final look as he retreated out of the room and locked the door. I burst out laughing.
“Man, did you see his face?” Katerina laughed hysterically.
I did a really terrible impression of the guards horrified expression, “What are you doing?” I asked in a pompous voice. Katerina rolled around on the bed laughing.
“Your killing me” she wheezed.
A voice came through the speakers and told us to get dressed for breakfast.
I went over to the drawers and pulled out a hideously boring outfit of a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.
I looked over at Katerina, who was holding an outfit up that was looking exactly the same as mine. “Are they joking?” she asked disgustedly.
“I want a bit of colour!” Jimmy shouted up at the speaker.
“Me too!” Katerina also shouted.
After we had gotten dressed, two guards came in to lead us to our separate breakfast halls, then we would meet back here and go to training.
When I reached the breakfast hall, I saw my friends, “GUYS!” I yelled at them as I ran over. Everyone else in the hall gave me a funny look, but I was happy, so fuck them.
“JIMMY!” Brian shouted in reply.
I sat down, grinning like a lunatic.
“Right, we're going to describe our girls” Matt grinned, “You first Brian”
“Well, mine had blonde hair and green eyes, she's called Becky and she's insanely hot” Brian said dreamily, “she refuses to speak to me though and called me a freak” he added.
Everyone laughed at the last comment, including Brian. Matt was next, “Mine has black hair, blue eyes. She's hot and she talks to me, she's called Bethan” he grinned.
“Mine has brown hair, green eyes and has the biggest tits ever, her name is Skye” Zack sniggered.
“Mine has brown hair, violet eyes and is really pretty, she's called Katerina” I smiled as I thought of Katerina.
“Well, aren't you fuckers lucky” Johnny snorted.
“What do you mean?” Matt asked.
“What's yours look like?” I questioned.
“Mine is weird and fat, she's been perving on me, and she's like Jimmy's height and keeps on calling me a munchkin. Her name is Kim”n Johnny shuddered.
Everyone laughed apart from me, “But Johnny you are a munchkin” I told him seriously. After this comment, Brian was actually on the floor with tears rolling down his face.

I was glad to see Katerina again. We walked to training together with two guards.
The new trainer was waiting for us, and much to my surprise, it was a she.
“Good morning” she said in a stern voice.
“Morning ma'am” me and Katerina replied.
“My name is Leslie and I am your new trainer, you will both work exceptionally hard, or you will suffer the consequences” she told them.
“Yes ma'am” me and Katerina replied.
I wondered what she meant by consequences, but I wasn't willing to find out.
“You are going to have to work together and be the most unstoppable team” she continued.
I gulped, she was scaring me slightly.
“I've heard you both excel in your fields, you have two minutes to get ready before I strike” she warned them as she stepped back.
Katerina took her place on the floor, I took my stance and got a shield ready.
“NOW” Leslie shouted. Katerina brought a different creature forth this time, it looked like a panther, except it was about eight feet tall and had blood red eyes.
Leslie shot a powerful blast of psychic energy at us. I protected myself with the shield and attempted to quickly set one up around Katrerina, but it harder than I thought it would be.
The force of the attack broke the shields and a horrible pain shot through my head, it literally felt like someone had grabbed my brain, shov3ed it in a blender then poured the remains in my head. I screamed and fell to my knees, clutching my head. The pain intensified and felt like someone had added a porcupine to the mix. I felt something wet and warm coming out of my nose and ears. The pain was so intense. In desperation, I sent an attack out, hoping it hit her, just to make it stop.
Suddenly, the pain stopped. I fell face first onto the ground.
“Jimmy are you okay?” I heard someone who I think was Katerina ask.
I felt a hand on my back and I slowly tried to get up, someone helped me sit up.
I looked over and saw it was Katerina, she looked concerned and gently rubbed my back.. suddenly, my vision swam and I felt dizzy.
“What did you do to him?” Katerina demanded as I threw up.
“If he can't handle me doing that, he can't handle the training and we might as well kill him now” Leslie snapped.
“I can do it” I growled. I stood up shakily and looked Leslie straight in the eyes, “I can do it” I repeated.
“No it's enough for today” she told me, smirking.
I wiped the blood from my nose with the back of my hand and shouted “I CAN do it”
“Fine” Leslie smirked, then she shot another blast at me. This time I knew how strong it was and managed to successfully block it. Leslie's eyes opened slightly wider. She stopped the attack.
I let down my shield and spat a mouthful of blood on the floor, “I told you”
“Better, let's continue tomorrow” Leslie commanded as she walked away.
I swayed slightly and Katerina rushed over and held me up.
“Thank you” she smiled.
“What for?” I asked.
“You blocked the attack for me” she grinned.
“No problem, it was unintentional though, I tried to do it for both of us, but she was too strong” I sighed.
“Let's get back to the room and get cleaned up” she replied happily.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you Durch-Den-Monsun-87 for commenting :D
I would have finished this yesterday but for some reason my brain died and it took me like two hours to do half of it :S Oh well :D
I don't think it helped that I burnt my best typing finger on my hair when I was straightening it this morning :O