Status: SLOOW updates

Scars Are Left Behind, but Some Too Deep to Feel

Chapter 3

Me and Katerina fell asleep that night in each others arms, she slept with her head on my chest and I could feel her breath tickling the bare skin. I gently stroked her hair, my head still felt a little fuzzy from Leslie going psycho. I was determined to do better in training next week. We had been told that now training was weekly but everyday we would be able to go to the training fields and train between ourselves. I was planning on practising everyday.

I must have fell asleep planning because I woke up to the voice telling us over the loudspeaker that it was time for breakfast soon.

I gently shook Katerina awake, who had managed to sleep through it.

“It's time to get dressed” I told her gently.

“Mmmmm okay” she answered sleepily.


Me and Katerina got back to our room after we had decided to quit for the day. We sat on the bed together and talked for a bit. I was enchanted by her eyes, I hadn't seen such a beautiful colour before.

“Your eyes are beautiful” I confessed.

“Thank you” she smiled, blushing slightly.

I lent over to her and pressed my lips gently on hers. To my surprise, she didn’t pull away, she kissed me back.

“Lie down” she mummed as she pushed me gently back.

I obliged and she straddled my waist and started to kiss me again. I put my fingers on her back and gently pulled her forward a bit more.

She traced her tongue around my lips, I opened my mouth and she slipped her tongue inside.

We continued to kiss like this for what seemed like forever. Suddenly, Katerina decided that she wanted to take it further. To be honest I wasn't complaining. She practically ripped off my t-shirt and started to kiss my chest.

I quietly moaned as she moved further down...


Yeah... me and Katerina did have sex last night. I don't regret it one little bit. She's a very pretty girl.

In training as well we worked a lot better together and it felt like we had a connection. Leslie was going to regret having to teach us, now we were a perfect team.


Our sparring partners, which were some guards, were down in seconds. We high-fived and grinned.

To our surprise, Leslie appeared.

“You two have improved greatly” she told us, “but do you think you can defeat me?” she added.

I looked at Katerina, and she nodded, “We can” I answered.

“Get ready” Leslie snapped.

We both took our stances, ready to fight.

“Now” she shouted.
She started predictably with a powerful attack, I easily blocked it as Katerina summoned the demon spirit from our first meeting.

Leslie readied another blast, but her face fell and she stopped. “What's wrong?” Katerina asked.

“I refuse to fight you Katerina” she snapped.

“What do you mean?” I asked angrily.

“Why?” Katerina questioned as the demon sank back into the ground.

“I refuse to fight you because you are pregnant” Leslie answered, my mouth opened slightly, and so
did Katerina's, “I must notify the guards”

Leslie went over to where the guards were, I looked around and saw the other guys sparring together in the next field, I quickly sent them a telepathic message informing them what was going on. They came to the fence and watched intently.

Leslie came back with two guards, “Katerina, you must come with us”

“What are you going to do?” she asked shakily.

“You must have an abortion” Leslie informed her shortly.

Katerina hid behind me, “I won't let you take her” I growled, ready to protect Katerina and our baby.

“James step away, or suffer the consequences” Leslie barked.

“No way” I answered fiercely.

“Fine, attack” Leslie commanded.

Leslie and the two guards all attacked at the same time, I was ready to block but the attacks were stopped by a massive fireball.

Matt, Brian, Johnny and Zacky all stepped through the melted hole in the fence.

“What are you doing? Do you want to be punished too?” Leslie asked.

“No, we are sick of the power trip you guys have got here, this ends now” Matt yelled.

Me and Matt attacked at the same time, the attack sent Leslie and the guards into the fence, where
they slumped on the floor.

“Let's get out of here” I said shakily.

The alarm started to go off. We ran to the perimeter fence, which was oddly unguarded.

Zack phased through it and led us through one by one. We saw a wooded area in the distance.

“Brian, please take Katerina to the trees and we'll catch up” I asked.

“But...” he protested.

“Please” I begged.

Brian grabbed Katerina and sped away with her.

We started to run, we could hear gunshots and dogs barking behind us. The years of physical training had made us all very fit and we easily reached the wooded area. About 10 feet in were Katerina and Brian, Katerina was quietly crying as Brian rubbed her back. He looked up at us as we came into view.

I ran over to Katerina and started to rub her back. We heard someone running behind us, “Please hide you guys, I'll stop them”I told them as I pushed Katerina towards Brian, “Protect her no matter what”

“Jimmy, we can all help” Matt said.

“But I would rather you looked after Katerina, please you guys” I begged.

Zack touched the trunk of a huge tree trunk, “This is hollow, I can phase us into it, it'll be a squeeze but we'll be safe” Zack told them.

“Okay, get in” I said as I looked at Katerina.

“We can all hide in there Jimmy” she told me.

“I would rather make sure you were safe” I argued, I kissed he on the cheek and Brian came over
and grabbed her hand.

“C'mon” he said to her as he pulled her over to Zack, I watched as Zack pulled her into the tree trunk.

“So James” I heard a voice snarl.

I turned to see Ashley, Leslie and boss man. With about 100 guards behind them.

I heard a footstep beside me and out of the corner of my eye I saw Matt step forward. “And you too Matthew, I thought you two knew better” boss man sneered.

“Apparently not” I answered.

“Prepare to suffer the consequences” Leslie snapped. That must have been her catch phrase or something, she said it all the freaking time.

Me and Matt attacked at the same time, hoping to destroy at least most of their hoard. When it was still very smoky, Matt knocked on the tree trunk.

“We're getting outta here” he shouted.

Instead of Zack phasing them out, Johnny punched a hole through the tree.

They all started to run deep into the woods.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you Durch-Den-Monsun-87 and bloodravyn for commenting :D
bloodravyn I hope the paragraph spacing is better now :P
Sorry this chapter is pretty bad LMAO
Comment anyways <3