‹ Prequel: Texas to Tennessee

Horse Kisses

chapter seven

The whole school was buzzing about my head to head with Sadie. Many people were on my side, giving me high fives, “good jobs”, and smiles as I walked by. (Even Jackson had a certain look of proudness in his eyes.) Others stayed out of it, but for the most part...everyone agreed with me. I guess that was a pretty big highlight of the week. Although it didn’t make up for Jackson’s mistakes. Or my heartbreak. I ended up ignoring all the comments and “way to go’s!” If I were to walk around school like I was all high and mighty just because I’d “won” a small battle with her, then I would be no better.
Chance and I had become close again. It was nice to have someone to talk to. He would do what Jackson had done, and watch me ride Summer until the sun seemed to slip underneath the earth. We we walking Summer back into her stall and Chance took my hand. It was warm, and I could feel dirt on his palm, but it didn’t bother me in the least. After I had given Summer fresh water and kissed her goodnight I stepped out of the stall and faced Chance, shooting him a dimpled smile.
He smiled back and looked up towards the loft. Pointing at it he asked, “Ever been up there?”
A pang surged through my heart. I nodded my head. “Only a few times. Whenever I need hay, but dad normally does the feeding n the morning and he’ll always bring down enough for the entire day.”
“Hmmm.” Chance hummed. He began to climb the ladder. “Let’s go up!”
I starred. “Umm... no. That’s okay.” I didn’t want to ruin my loft memories of Jackson with anyone. That had been our place. I wanted it to stay that way.
“Oh come on.” He begged.
I stood my ground. “No, I don’t like it up there.” I looked longingly out the barn door. “Let’s just go inside.”

I finally talked him into going inside with me. We went up to my room and started on homework. My dad was at the bar, doing lord knows what and I had no idea when he’d be back. I sat on my bed while Chance was at my desk. I would sneak a peek at him every few seconds to see what he was doing. It was always the same thing; starring at his work.
“What are you looking at?” He asked, catching me.
I blushed. “Nothing.”
“Oh really?” He put his binder on my desk and crawled over to me, over me. With his eyes locked on mine, he took my own binder and set it aside, then proceeding to kiss me long and good.
I’ll admit. He was a good kisser, but his kisses were more... harsh than Jacksons. But I kissed him back anyways. It was familiar. And familiar was what I liked now days.
Chance kept kissing me, and eventually he put his hand behind my head and gently laid me down against the warm comforter and fluffy pillows. I pulled away but he only came closer. My heart began to beat faster. And it wasn’t in the good way. “Chance...” I mumbled through the kisses. He didn’t reply. He was fumbling his hand along my thigh. I tried again. More firmly this time. “Chance!” But he didn’t seem to hear me. “Stop this!” I pushed him but he moved very little. His hand on my thigh got higher and stronger and his other hand pressed down on my shoulder, keeping me locked against my own bed. I struggled but it was no use. What was he doing!?! I gasped for air as he ripped his own shirt off and then mine. I felt exposed and embarrassed.
I took a deep breath and screamed.