Get Your Finger on the Trigger


August 9th, 2010. Third Person
Gerard Way, an upcoming vocalist for the new rock band My Chemical Romance, had been out to buy a fresh supply of beer for his bandmates, to celebrate them getting signed. He strolled down the black alleyways of Jersey he’d gone through since he was a kid with little bother, unaware tonight wouldn’t follow suit. Gerard could hear footsteps behind him, but this was a relitivly busy town so he didn’t suspect anything. He turned to cross through another alleyway when he heard a crash behind him. Alarmed he turned around to see three burly men staggering down the alley. He shrugged it off as more average drunks that scared easily but nether the less picked up his pace. His scruffy sneakers squeaked against the dirty alley and he was cold despite his leather jacket sitting tight on his shoulders. He felt something cold and hard smash into the back of his skinny jean clad leg and lost his balance, falling with a painful crash to the floor. The drunks laughed which annoyed Gerard. He turned around and glanced at the object that had hit his leg. It was a beer bottle, and he could feel the sting in his leg notifying him that he was bleeding. He tried to get to his feet again but now the drunks had surrounded him, huddled on the floor.
“Oy fatti! Did your massive arse throw you off balance?” One of them slurred, causing Gerard to grunt at them. He wasn’t anywhere near overweight but he was concious of his weight. That comment stung, but he stayed quiet hoping they might get bored.
“Faggot he’s talking to you!” Another crony yelled, kicking Gerard in the back. The other idiots seemed to think this would be a hilarious game so all joined in beating the crap out this dude in black on the alley. Gerard hid his face in his knees as he knew he couldn’t fight off these lads. He wasn’t exactly strong. Gerards back ached with pain and felt like it was turning black already. He cried out. The guys kept beating him and in the end, the goons pulled him up and well, gang raped him. He stared helplessly from the floor as they stole his phone, ipod and wallet as well as nicking off with the beer. Gerard whimpered to himself. At least he was alive… He didn’t think he was going to end up alive an hour ago. He just had to get home; the guys could help him.
Trembling, as he staggered along in his t-shirt and boxers since they stole the rest he glanced up at the sky to see the rain leaking down. He sighed to himself, weather really does reflect moods. He was aching all over and blood was following after him in a slimy trail of coppery red liquid. His house was a mile or two away; he found it hard to remember due to the throbbing pain in his head.
*Two hours later*
After a two hour crawl home, Gerard managed to reach his small semi-detached house that the band shared when they weren’t touring. He weakly whacked his fist off the doorbells button before collapsing onto the floor again, sobbing and cowering. He heard footsteps and tried to calm down his breathing knowing help was finally near. His friends could help him, he knew that. But he was still terrified and so embarrased. He hid his face and tried to calm down with no success. He chewed carefully on his lip and saw Mikey’s frame open the door. The younger of the two brothers gasped and dropped his beer bottle at the sight of his elder brother crippled on the floor and soaked in blood.
August 9th 2010, Mikey’s Point of View
I stared at my older brother lying on the drive covered in blood. I wrapped my arms around him and tugged him into the house, slamming the door shut and locking it. “Oh god Gee, Oh god… GUYYSSSS!!!! HELP!!!” I screamed, panicking. What if he was badly hurt? What had happened to him? I hugged him tightly to my torso as he hid his face into my shoulder. Frank and Ray rushed down the stairs, but Ray quickly spun on his heels and ran to get a first aid kid. Frank helped me carry Gerard to the kitchen and sit him on the countertop. He was shaking and crying. I stroked his hair mumbling to him that he’d be okay but he wasn’t calming down as I could understand. Something bad must have happened; Gee rarely got scared… Just him being scared made me scared for him.
Ray ran back in with the first aid kit and handed it to Frank seeing as he was first aid trained. He pulled Gerards top off him and started cleaning the wounds on his back while Ray scrubbed at his legs. Gerard was wincing but utterly silent. I was so curious but he didn’t answer any of my questions. I just wanted to know if he was okay; if we needed to call the police… I couldn’t even get a yes or no answer out of him he just blinked at me and hid his face. Once Ray and Frank had him bandaged up they helped me get Gerard onto the sofa in the living room and we sat asking him questions to which he just hid his face and stayed utterly silent.
Tour was in two months… we need to help him.
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Duckie x