Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Mikey’s POV

                “…tell.” I stated, still unhappy that I had been woken up so early; but now I was intrigued by Ray’s comments. Hopefully it was worth getting up at ten on a bank holiday Monday. Seriously! I was BUMMED. I sat down on the bed and Ray sat down next to me. “Okay; Three insane things happened this morning when I got up. Firstly, I caught Gerard cleaning up the entire kitchen; like, it was frikkin GLEAMING. Secondly, he looked like he was going to be sick when I offered him bacon for his breakfast. Third, when he tried it he picked off all the fat, ate about a bite of it then glugged his coffee and binned it all! ALL MY HARD WORK!” Ray sniffled over emotionally like a pregnant housewife. I chewed my lip; what the hell was up with Gee? I mumbled that I’d have a word to him sometime about it then headed off to grab some cereal and a cuppa. Dayum Gee was in some deep shit at the moment. I headed out the door, yelling up to Frankie and Ray that I needed to go get some air.

                I took a long walk down to a park near the river. I sat down on the swing, rocking gently back and forth when Alicia walked up to me. “Hey Mikey babe! Haven’t seen you for ages… How are you baby?” She asked, smiling. I threw my arms around her beautiful, slender frame. I’d missed her so much! I explained to her about why I’d been so busy and what had happened to Gerard. She looked sorrowful for him and said she’d come to try help me out with him one night. I smiled and thanked her for the motivation. She kissed me softly and I sighed into her lips. I’d missed my girlfriend.

                I sat on the swings competing with Alicia to get higher than her. I’d missed this; the feeling of letting go and relaxing. Alicia had always been very good for that, and I’d been so stressed lately. I hadn’t even remember to call her and say I was home safely. I giggled loudly as I swung further up towards the sky and felt the sun blind my eyes. Alicia signalled for me to jump so I swung back strongly again and when I reached the top, I closed my eyes and flung myself off the seat and into the sky. I felt the wind rush through my hair and my body fly to the floor. I landed on my side and groaned. It killed. Alicia dived off and landed neatly on her feet next to me. Lucky bitch I thought, smirking to myself. She laughed at my patheticness Is that even a word? and kissed my next softly. I groaned into her hair as she helped me to my feet.

                “Awww poor Mikey baby!” She cooed at me causing me to growl at her. “Fine, Fine I’ll get you home Mikey!” She gave in, causing me to smile. She helped me to her tiny red car. I slid into the seat and she drove back to my house, holding my hand within her perfectly manicured and long fingers. My girl was so, so beautiful. The drive was nice; we blared music and screamed the lyrics at the top of our lungs and as out of tune as we possibly could. It sounded horrible but this is how we spent our time, messing on and having fun. It suited us; we were still young after all.

                When we pulled up to the house, we shared a quick but romantic kiss before I clambered out the car and headed inside. I waved goodbye to Alicia, agreeing I’d call her soon, and shut the door welcoming myself back into the house of hell. I wanted my brother to be well again. I wanted to be on tour again.

Why couldn’t we just be normal anymore?
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Gave up on the comments shit cause it's like midnight here and i wanna go to bed cause I'm shattered xD might not get in an update tomorrow but shall try xD this is my last prewritten one -_- xD anyway night xD what do ya think? :)