Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Time Lapse to Wedensday
Mikey’s POV
I got up early on the Wedensday to help Gerard get ready for his doctors appointment. I still didn’t know his name actually… Hopefully he’d say it today, or Frank would ask. I knocked on Gerard’s door before pushing it open slightly and headed down the stairs to the basement. Gerard was sat on his bed, stretching his arms and yawning. I smirked at him and walked over, pulling a hoody and some slacks out his wardrobe again and chucking that at him before grabbing him his converse and a sketchbook and his set of art pencils so he could be happy with the replys to the GP. I’d also been told to bring one of our music CD’s to see if Gerard does actually know his music so I grabbed a copy of ‘Danger Days’ and put that in the bag too. By this point Gerard was dressed so we walked out to the car and set off for the clinic. The ride was silent again; I could tell Gerard still hated it even after the trial run. He didn’t know these were a regular thing yet –or that Frank would be there- just that we had to go again. I didn’t want him to panic every time we had to go I guess…
When we got there a friendly looking nurse handed Gerard a hospital gown and told him to go change in Examination2 before his check up. He agreed and went into the room to change, coming back about five minutes later in a hospital gown. I couldn’t help but snicker at him. He looked angry and sat down next to me again in a strop. A few minutes later the doctor walked out again and lead us into Ex4. I lead Gerard in and quickly shut the door after him, and the doctor took that chance to lock it knowing Gerard would try to get out once he saw Frank. When Gerard looked up he saw Frank sat at the desk, chewing on the skin around his fingers and grew wide eyed. He ran to the door but when he found it didn’t open he groaned and sat down in a huff.
I sat down next to him and the doctor gathered up Gerards case notes. “So Mr.Iero, My name is Dr. Jackson. You’re here because Gerard mentioned you at our last session and I was curious. I hope it’s okay. Right so today we’re going to start with a few simple questions and answers before we try music and then we run the tests. Okay, lets begin.”
Frank’s POV
Doctor Jackson got out a sheet of questions he’d prewritten. I contined to nervously chew the skin around my fingers curious to what he’d ask and what Gee would reply. The doctor started by asking Gerard a few simple questions: what music do you like? What hobbys do you have? It was all pretty simple; probably just to help calm down Gerard before they got to the heavy stuff. Mikey took Gerards hand in his own.
“Okay Gerard, next question. The man sat next to your brother is Frank Iero, correct?” The doctor stated. Gerard gave a short, sharp nod of his head. “Well Gerard, last time you said this man scares you. Is it still the same?”The doctor asked, so Gerard nodded again but more hesitant. “Well, Mr. Iero and I were discussing why you could be scared of him and I think I understand, but you shouldn’t be scared of him. He’s not going to violate you like that Gerard. What happened to you was a one time event, and its extremly rare. But that’s why I’m here, I’m going to help you get through this and help rebuild your relationship with Mr.Iero. Think you can manage to try that Gerard?” The doctor asked, slowly and calmy as if he was talking to a young child. Gerard shrugged and chewed on his thumb. The doctor smiled at him.
“Right next thing we’re gonna try is music therapy. Mikey brought your latest CD,” The doctor explained, pausing while Mikey took out the danger days CD, “And we’re gonna play it, and it’d be brilliant if you could try sing along if you remember it.” The doctor said, Gerard picked up his pen and scribbled down ‘I wrote those – How couldn’t I remember them you idiot?’. I laughed at that. The doctor put on the CD andn after the first verse of ‘Sing’ Gerard started to whisper the lyrics under his breath. He’d been better Much, MUCH better but at least he could do it. He sang a bit louder and the doctor nodded, writing down some notes. “That was pretty good Gee! You should try work on that. Even if its just singing in the shower try strengthen your vocal chords cause their getting pretty weak – that’s why you were croaky. You need to try practice using your voice again, which is why getting you to talk is such a major thing. Understand?” Gerard only nodded slightly but looked dishartened.
“Okay Gerard, we’re going to run some tests on you now. Your brother and Frank are going to stay because I understand you don’t feel comfortable with these things.” The doctor stated. Gerard grabbed Mikey’s hand and clung to it tightly as he was lead to a little plastic covered matress. Mikey and Doctor Jackson lifted Gee onto the matress.
Gerard was forced to lie back and the doctor tied a belt around the top of Gee’s arm and had blood samples taken. It was undone and more simple tests were ran. The doctor then hooked Gerard up to a number of different scanners and it was about five hours before all the brain tests had been finished. We then had to sit and wait in the reception while the scans were developed. Gerard was sat on Mikey’s lap crying into his chest. I knew this must have been hard for him. Mikey stroked Gerards hair over and over again. He was so scared and I guessed this had been a long day for him.
When the doctor finally called us back into the office Gee had falled asleep against Mikey’s chest. He looked angelic. I knew I loved him… I just wanted him to get better and to be healthy. The doctor pulled out Gerards scans and reported back. “His brains fine, theres no damage, just stress. I’m going to give him antianxiety pills so he calms down because post trauatic stress can be quite bad so we’re gonna have to moniter if he’s getting better or worse because he might detiriorate. I’ll see you again on Sunday. I think it’s helpful with Mr.Iero coming, Gerard seems more open around him.”
And with that we left, that little bit more hopeful that Gerard could improve.
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yaay update.
too hot to write anymoreee you know the drill *flops off and dies*
Emm x