Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Mikey’s POV
Frankie’s song was actually pretty damn good so I snuck into his room and let him know I was there. He gasped and flew around to face me, pansy falling to the floor in his panic as a string of cuss words fell from his lips. I doubled over in laughter, feeling as if I was choking from my hysterics. Frank grumbled at me and got up, propping Pansy up against the wall. He walked over to me and punched me playfully just making me laugh even harder. I caught my breath and patted him on the back. “Seriously Frankie boy it was damn good!” I laughed at him but he continued to take a strop. “I’ll make you breakfast to make up for it?” I offered to which he grinned and immediately cheered up. I grabbed his arm and lead him through to the kitchen where I made his favourite chocolate chip pancakes and a strong cup of coffee. Frank stared at it like a five year old on Christmas while digging in, delighted.
Once he was done and I was in the middle of cleaning up we heard a huge crash and a yell downstairs, followed by lots of scrambling. I glanced at Frank and we both ran down, kicking open the door to the basement and racing down the steps. Gerard was sat in the corner of his room rocking back and forth and sobbing while hugging his knees. I looked out the window and sat two figures running out of view. Damn it those guys again… Frank was knelt next to Gerard, checking him for injuries and trying to talk to him, with no success. Gerard was gasping from his hysterical sobs and Frank just kept hugging him. I ran upstairs to get Ray to help us calm Gee down enough to get him to help us get him to the car and see his doctor.
“Mikey calm down what’s happening?” Ray asked as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down to the basement. He gasped when he saw Gerard screaming and writhing in Frank’s arms. We both ran to help Frank out with calming down Gerard. Ray and Frank restrained laid down my hysterical brother. I leant over him trying to talk to him but he was completely out of it. His eyes were rolling in his head and his body was convulsing. I signalled for Ray and Frank to get him to the car while I grabbed him a bottle of water. I climbed in the car next to him and tried to help calm him down while Frank called Doctor Jackson. I was so worried I felt sick to my stomach…
Gerard suddenly stopped shaking and I looked down hoping he’d calmed down but my hopes were wrong. I guessed he must have knocked his head off the door because there was blood running down the door and through his hair and on the seat. His eyes were shut and his breathing was laboured. I screamed at Ray to hurry up and that he’d hurt himself while I pulled off my hoody and pressed it to the gash in his head. I didn’t know what to do I was so scared for him!
Ray got us to the clinic pretty fast and the doctor was waiting for us in the parking lot. He helped us carry Gee inside and left us in the reception telling us he’d do all he could for Gee. I paced around the room continuously thinking the worst but hoping for the best. It was at least four hours of pacing and crying before the doctor walked out his room and into the waiting area, pulling down his surgical mask and bearing a grim expression across his features…
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OOOH CLIFFHANGER!!! so comment with what you think the doctors news is ;) might post another chapter from my iPod tonight if your lucky ;)
Ta, (Still undecided if its Duckie or Emma-Lee, seriously? Help? :( XD)