Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Frank's POV

I stared up at the doctors grim face through my painfully dry and bloodshot eyes; I'd cried all the eater out them causing them to itch and burn. I sniffled knowing that face couldn't be bringing us good news. I glanced to my left where Mikey was staring at the doctor pleading for the best, then I looked to my right where I saw Ray with tears dripping down his cheeks and his hands interlocked. Doctor Jackson walked over to us, giving us a sad smile before ushering us towards an office marked 'Dr. T. Jackson'. We followed him inside where we sat down at a heavy brown desk; the doctor walked round and sat opposite us. He picked up the familiar green folder marked G.Way and flicked through it, taking out a collection of papers that was signed with today's date. He coughed slightly to get our attention. "So I'm here to explain the condition of Mr G.Way to you correct?" he asked to which we nodded sadly and Mikey let out another sob. "Okay, well when he arrived he'd been suffering from severe panic attacks and a serious head wound. We took him into surgery to try repair the injury to his head but he was loosing a lot of blood... We managed to get it to stop after a while but he needed several blood transfusions and he's still highly unstable. I was talking to my colleagues about how to stabilise him without causing any further brain damage and we have two options. Option one is that we could put him on a very strong medication trial to contain it but I must stress thats a trial and is unproven how effective it is or what side effects it has. Option two is to induce him into a heavily sedated or comatose state for a week or so to allow the wound to start healing and us to experiment with drugs and monitor him to see what drugs we could prescribe that would be best to help his head. The safer of the two options is the second but there are dangers with induced comas and I know that some people worry about them more, along with the fact you're trying to improve Gerard's mental health in the next month before you tour. But I have to insist that you look at what's best for his heath not his job..." The doctor explained causing Mikey to cry harder and Ray to hug him. 

I chewed on my thumbnail and considered our options. I knew as much as we wanted to go on tour next month that Gee's health was more important and if we made the wrong choice here we could never your again, never mind in a month. I looked at Mikey, silently asking him if we could go with number two, to which he nodded through his heartbroken cries. I confirmed it to the doctor feeling so sad that thanks to my decision Gerard was going to be placed in a coma. I followed the doctor down the corridor after agreeing with Ray i'd be there when Gerard was knocked out to give him some time to help Mikey. Poor guy, seeing this much shit happen to your brother, your best friend, your world, must be hard... I was so damn glad at times like this I had no siblings. I walked down the miserable white corridors after Doctor Jackson when we came to a room labeled 42. He walked inside and I followed him. 

Inside the room was even more depressing than the corridors. There was a high bed in the centre of the room which had a thin plastic covered mattress and paper sheets. The walls were a sickly green colour and the floor a black linoleum. There were machines crowded around the bed, beeping or making some other tedious noise. Lying on the bed, with the papery sheets lying near his waist. He was in an ugly looking hospital gown and his skin was covered in little monitors and tubes. He had a little plastic device taped into his hand with 3 tubes leading off it: One dripping a red substance in, by my guess blood, another leaking a thick, translucent pink liquid in and another empty one. He had pads and wires taped to his head which was bandaged up like Jack's from jack and Jill. Get it?... Damn. I gulped at the sight of him. It was actually really creepy. The machines didn't beep like in the movies. In the movies they were so steady... Gee's was beating like Bob, our drummer, used to when he was wasted. It was all over the place and slow.. Really slow... Doctor Jackson shot my a sympathetic smile and started mixing up a cocktail of chemicals and pouring them into an IV bag. He walked over and gently shook Gerard causing him to groan and weakly open his eyes. He'd explained Gerard would need to start out conscious so he could be sure it was the chemicals keeping him sedated. I stared sadly at Gerard as the doctor screwed on the IV bag to the unused tube. I sat down next to Gerard and held his hand as he smiled slightly at me. I sat there as he drifted off, loosing his grip on my hand and falling limp. I whimpered and got up, feeling tears drip down my cheeks as I walked back to meet Mikey and Ray in the reception. We weren't allowed to visit him yet... He was still unstable and the doctors would be spending a lot of the time testing him. Next time we were allowed back was a few hours before they woke him up... This was gonna be a bad few weeks.

In the reception Ray had successfully calmed Mikey down a bit. He drove us home in silence knowing we were all shit scared...
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Late to see x-men thanks to you! :o xD comment seeing as my dads yelling at me now xD...

Duckie x