Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Ray’s POV
As I drove back to our home I could see Frank crying in the back seat of the car. He was shaking horribly and had his arms wrapped around his stomach crying ever so softly to himself. He was weak; broken even… Mikey was just as bad, sat in the seat next to me since I knew I had to keep a careful eye on him. He sniffled and clung to my shaken hand as I attempted to drive one handed so I could keep one arm being used as his comforter. We were all torn into shreds. When we got home Mikey ran to go to his room but I gently took his hand in mine, and took Franks in my other and walked through to the living room, guiding them like terrified little children, which they kind of were mentally. I found a blanket under the sofa and wrapped them up in it, huddled together. “Neither of you are going to be alone tonight. We need each other… I’m going to call in a pizza and put some films on and we’re going to help each other through the first night. It’s going to be okay, you won’t need to feel like you need to bottle anything up because we’re in this together.” I whispered to them softly, to which Mikey just sniffled. I picked up the phone and called in a large margarita pizza for Frank’s sake. I went upstairs and picked up Frank’s unicorn toy from when he was little yes Frank had always loved unicorns, before I walked into the kitchen and set off the kettle. I went down to the basement next and grabbed Gerard’s most worn hoody. I walked back up and made Frank a hot chocolate and Mikey a coffee before carrying all their things into the living room. I tucked the unicorn between Frank’s arms and handed him the hot cocoa. I wrapped the hoody around Mikey’s shoulders who snuggled into it and smelt it. I placed the drink into his hands and he mumbled a very quiet thank you to me. I put a film on and sat down next to Frank who lay down against my side.
I stroked Frank’s dark hair as he hid his face in my side. Once he’d calmed down a bit the doorbell went and he and Mikey both jumped about fifty foot in the air and I rolled my eyes at them, swiftly getting up to get the food and pay. I took it back in and sat back down next to Frank, opening it. When Frank saw the food he seemed to cheer up a little bit and shuffled so he was sat up properly and took a slice, nibbling on it with a slight smile starting to tug at his cheeks. I went to hand Mikey a slice but he shook his head slightly and went back to cuddling into Gee’s hoody. I sighed softly and walked round to him before hugging him. He suddenly started to sob hysterically into my chest and I stroked his hair. Frank dived on him too whimpering and chanting Mikey no be sad. I smirked at Frank’s childish naivety. Mikey sniffled and we all cuddled up together to watch the film. We needed each other…
*9 hours later*
Mikey’s POV
I blinked my eyes open through the layers of dried and acidic tears which felt like they were burning tracks in my cheeks. I wiped them away slowly and sat up, feeling an immediate head-rush. I rested my head in my hands and looked to my right to see Frankie cuddled up with his toy unicorn, Sparkles, and his head resting on Ray’s shoulder. I picked up mine and Frank’s dirty mugs from last night and put them in the dishwasher, cleaning up the kitchen a bit while I was there and while I was rather bored. Ray walked in and hugged me softly from behind. I cuddled into him and smiled at him. He took my hand and led me back into the living room. I sat back down and watched more of the endless string of movies that Ray had put on for us. Frank was awake now and running around with Sparkles pretending she could fly before running smack bang into a wall and clutching his head while rolling round on the floor screaming ‘concussion’. I looked at Ray as if to ask ‘is this actually happening?’ before smirking at Frank’s uselessness and sitting down. Ray lifted Frank on the sofa, who sat restless then got up again. I swear that kid’s bipolar – he was so upset a little while ago…Frank immediately grabbed my hand and decided it was time for us to do something worthwhile.
“Guys? Do you realise how long it’s been since we’ve seen Bob? It’s been like…” Frank spilled out, pausing to count on his fingers “5 days! We’ve all seen each other! And Mikey don’t you miss Ali? We should get some people over for a party as a distraction! We haven’t had a party in a while… Then we can have one again once Gerard’s better to celebrate! Please? I real miss everyone! And I want to see some of my friends from the other bands!” Frank gushed out. Ray looked at me and nodded. This tended to be how Frank dealt with any shit; he’d lock it up but want to be constantly around friends like a little child who needed comforting. He felt weird if he was alone. I agreed this time though because it could actually be pretty fun. Frank squealed at our yes and ran over, throwing his arms around us before running away muttering something about ‘so has to be unicorn themed’.
Ray shot me a worried glance and I dragged out a long moan. “Froman? What the HELL have we gotten ourselves into…?”
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I've just realised how short my chapters are! i need to get them longer. This ones short because its just a filler... The next ones probably going to drag out quite a bit... I watched Dr.Who an hour ago! RIVER IS MELODY?!? :O *yeah... so an addict* Anywaaaaaaay XD what do you thinks coming up in the story? ;) comments equal cookies and faster updates! XD i feel loved when i get comments its quite pathetic. i actually grin and rush to read them XD

Still though... Duckie or Emma-Lee? :\ XD