Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Ray’s POV
I’d taken Mikey out to the cinema’s to see X-Men to get him out the house earlier today. It’d b een pretty fun and I think Mikey had secretly enjoyed himself despite spending the day ranting that he wanted be home with Frank and how did Frank get to stay at home yet he didn’t. I really didn’t want to be in the cinemas or anywhere with Frank at the moment, he’d been going through a very hyper stage of coping with Gerard’s state. It was kind of creepy, cause he’d been so depresssed last night yet somehow overnight he’d gone hyper. I know it’s bad but I seriously think I prefer depressed Frank to hyper Frank, because when he’s down at least you know what he’s really feeling because he tells you. It drives me mad to think of how he’s feeling at the moment; what he’s hiding away in his head and whats ghosting away in his mind. He’d actually saw Gerard, so it was probably worse cause he knows what he looks like. I didn’t even want to think of it; I had to be strong for the other two. I walked out the milkshake bar I’d just nipped into and handed Mikey his shake, while sipping at mine. He thanked me and followed me back to the car. I took the long route home, and as soon as we were both strapped in and driving I turned on the radio. One of our songs was playing Sleep, from our album the black parade and Mikey stared at it, whispering the lyrics under his breath. I turned it up to full and Mikey sniffled, taking in Gerard’s voice and the feeling of his lyrics filling the car. I’d always loved this song, I’d heard it for the first time when Gerard was making it up to help Frank sleep when he was high. It was safe to say we’d never let him get high since. He was INSANE when he was high... Mikey was suddenly holding my hand again as he sniffled at the music. I rubbed his knuckles with my calloused fingers. He clung to my hand as we sped along, the scenery flying by us. We rushed past trees and farms as well as smoke guzzling factorys and skyscrapers waving their hands at God. We pulled up outside the house which to my distress was covered in lights and flowers and tinsel. Where the hell had Frank got tinsel and all the sparkly decorations at this time of year? December I could understand finding these but during July? Oh my fuck.
Mikey was sat in the car, staring and blinking. I guess he’d taken the unicorn theme to the next level of creepy-ass-shit. I climbed out and Mikey walked around and took my hand, chewing nervously on his lip. I was going to kill Frank when I could get my hands on him. I lead a frightened Mikey into our house and when we headed into the living room it was shocking. The TV had been bordered by tinsel, there was no furniture in the huge room so I guess Frank had moved it out – instead he’d replaced it all with dozens of beanbags and a long glass table. The glass table was covered in big glass bowls of skittles – Frank’s favorite- and there was crates of beer and bottles of spirits stored under the table. The walls were coated in sparkly decorations and unicorn posters. Scattered around the room were unicorn plushees and pillows. Frank was sat on one of the beanbags next to a huge stero setting off a playlist from his iPod – which actually had some pretty good shit on it.
Frank ran over happily and threw his arms around us. “DO YOU LIKE THE UNICORNS? I LOVE THE UNICRONS! LOOK AT THE UNICORNS!” Frank screamed happily at us. Now for anyother person, I’d know they were high right now. Frank, I’m pretty sure had just been binging out on skittles. Mikey stared at him, pretrified and that’s when I noticed how he was dressed ( ) and burst out into hysterical laughter. To top it all off he’d sprayed his hair pink and it was full of glitter. You know that metaphor of the gay social butterfly? He looked EXACTLY like you’d imagine that to. I giggled hysterically and rolled around on the glittery floor clutching my sides like a madman. He stared at me upset and his eyes were practically yelling at me like ‘what? :( I thought I looked good…’ which just made me laugh even harder. Mikey giggled at Frank and went upstairs to change (into this ). I rolled my eyes at Frank and told him I’d go upstairs and change before the guests turned up. I climbed the stairs and opened up the door to my room and opened the door. I shrugged on some clothes ( ) and quickly cleaned up before heading back down. I rolled my eyes when I saw Mikey wearing another one of Gerard’s hoodys, but I guess if it comforted him there was nothing wrong with it. The doorbell rang at Frank ran it up to get it. Mikey grabbed a beer and crashed in a bean bag, so I copied his actions. The door swung open and in walked avenged sevenfold who we’d toured wityh a while ago,as well as three girls I didn’t know so well, but I knew one was Alicia. We all sat down around the table and caught up. Zacky spoke up first to introduce us to one of the girls.
“Eh Frank said it’d be cool if I brought my sister, so this is Emma-Lee ( )…” He explained. I stared back and forth from the pretty, hyper girl arguing with Frank about who’s wings were prettier as she bore huge white angel wings then back to Zacky, calm NORMAL Zacky… Oh dear fuck what had happened here with their parents! I swear his mom must have had an affair to have these two. She was rather pretty; I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Mikey leaned over and punched me to get my attention back. I silently thanked him as Johnny spoke up.
“Oh right! On that note this is my sister Caryn ( )… Just eh don’t notice what shes wearing!” Johnny said with a smirk. Caryn glared at him, shooting daggers across the room. Zacky laughed and asked ‘what were you going for with that look anyway?’. Caryn lifted her head and glared angrily at Johnny. She looked furious[/b.
“Well my fucking liar of a fucking brother told me we were meant to dress up and now my fucking brother is going to die.” She stated as if it was perfectly normal, causing Mikey to roll his eyes as Caryn dived across the room and landed sat on Johnny’s back, gripping his neck and screaming at him. Syn and Zacky ripped her off and handed her a small bottle of vodka. She smiled and cradled it.
*Five hours later”
Someone had given Frank drugs because he was staggering around and squealing and then running into a wall and whacking himself out. I carried him to bed before walking down the stairs unsteadily and plonked myself back down giggling. I was MORTAL. I hugged Emma-Lee from behind who screamed a piercing screach and hid her face in her hands. I laughed and tapped her shoulder, causing her to turn around and glare. She laughed when she saw me. Her pupils were huge so I guessed she was high too. She hugged me and skipped off. I felt my body collapse because I was so tired and drunk…
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introducing avenged for my friend caryns sake ;) drop me some facts on them!!!
So still guess whats happening next!?
Duckie (or Emma-lee, no-ones actually told me which they prefer :( ) xxxx