Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Frank’s POV
I woke up the next morning tucked up in my bed with a spliting headache that was so fucking sore. I spelt like piss and smoke… I guess the party last night had gone decently in that case. I got up and stumbled into the shower, keeping my room in the dark and clicking open the ensuite door. I slapped the button to turn the shower on and I pulled out my horredously pink and glittery clothes. I stared at them rather stunned by how awful they were. What had possessed me last night… I think I’d taken some drugs but I couldn’t remember what they were… I slipped into the shower and started to wash the layers of glitter and paint. I washed my hair since it was full of pink hairspray, sweat, glitter and sick. I was so gross! I scrubbed it all out and dried off quickly. I pulled on my new clothes for the day. I stumbled downstairs and clicked on the kettle, peeking nerously into the living room to see the hell that I’d created in the living room the night before. There was glitter everywhere and it just looked like hell on earth. No overreaction. I opened the cupboared and grabbed an asprin and took it dry, shortly after realising the mistake I’d made and quickly running to the fridge to grab and quickly down a bottle of water. NOTE: I do NOT take tablets dry… I heard someone come down the stairs and quickly shut the door to the living room then sat down in the kitchen letting the asprin kick in. Mikey came through the door and joined me in the taking of the asprin except he was smart enough to take it with water. He slowly walked over to me and sat down, mumbling something that I’d been quite the partier last night. I groaned and clutched my head, wondering what I’d done.
Most that day was spent cleaning up the living room and complaining about our killer hangovers while Ray hid in his bedroom and slept his off. We sent in for a takeaway and ate together before crawling back to do what we wanted to do. My plan had worked seeing as none of us had been thinking about Gerard’s condition, which sounds horrible and selfish but it was healthy not to be worrying about him 24/7. Mikey had actually been smiling a bit today and I felt so good, like the whole of my insides were warm and fluffy, to see that familiar smile of his. He still spent most hours cuddled up in Gee’s hoodie and moping but seriously, the fact he’d smiled for like a second today was such an improvement. At this moment of time, Mikey was curled up on the sofa and Ray was upstairs in his room practicing his guitar. I was sat on the windowledge staring out at the road and all the little houses along the side of our street. I felt my mobile buzz in my pocket so I sleepily pulled it out and flipped it open to see a little messgae blinking at me from the crappy LED screen. When I opened it it read as this: ‘Mr.Iero, this is Dr Jackson from Belleville medical clinic. I tried to contact Micheal Way with no success so I am informing you. Mr.G.Way is responding to a mixture of medications we tried on him and his brain damage is slowly healing. You can either have him wake up for tomorrow and give him the jabs of medication at home to help it heal and we’ll assess him at his therapy appointments or we can keep him unconcious until he recovers. Please reply by tommorow morning, Dr.Jackson.’
I reread the text over and over, because my brain couldn’t quite comprehend the amazing news that it contained. Of course I knew we’d have to work out if taking him home was the best option for Gee but I was really really glad he was on the road to recovery. He’d only been gone a few days but Mikey had been broken down and we’d all felt kinda like something was missing deep down inside us. I felt a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth as it all sunk in. Once I’d gotten over the shock I walked upstairs and knocked on Ray’s door before opening it and stating ‘house meeting’ which was something I hadn’t done for like months. I jogged back down to the living room and woke up Mikey and gave him the same message so the three of us ended up sat around the kitchen table with coffees. Mikey and Ray were watching me like I was mad while I hugged my phone and grinned like a fricking loonatic. Ray took a long sip of coffee before he raised an eyebrow at me and coughed as if he was demanding me to give him the news. Mikey was looking at me with the same pleading eyes which caused me to giggle. They had no idea what I was about to tell them and the news would make them feel so happy then I would feel so happy! I relayed the text to them and I could see Mikey’s features light up like a little star, while hope spread to Ray’s eyes. I bounced hyperly up and down on my seat so so so excited!
“Right Mike’s, Frankie, we need to concider whats actually best for him… You know how scared he gets of needles and I know you guys would give in to him! Don’t give me those eyes I know you will… I just wanna know we’d be able to help him. Helping him get better has to be the priority over just getting him back.” Ray said calmly but very seriously. We both nodded in reply to his short speech agreeing we wouldn’t chicken out and we’d stick to our promises to help him and take turn with the scary and difficult tasks in looking after him. Mikey bit his lip and I could tell it’d be a struggle for him but we all had the mutual view of his health came top priority. Mikey made himself another coffee and I called back Doctor Jackson telling him that we’d come to see him be woken up the next day and take him home but we might need some notes on what he needs and when. He was really nice and promised me that wouldn’t be a problem so we said goodbye and hung up where Ray greeted me with the wonderous gift off a coffee. I smiled to myself and sipped at it greatfully.
*the next morning*
I woke up around 6am to prepare for our eight ‘o clock apointment at the doctors to see Gerard waking up. I rushed through my morning routine and pulled on slacks and a misfits tee for comfortableness, I mean, come on, it’s a hospital I don’t need to dress good! I made myself my usual extremely strong morning coffee which I sipped at while watching loony tune cartoons yes I’m just a big kid inside; it’s not exactly a secret is it? When my coffee was gone I cleaned up and headed up the staircase to wake up Mikey and Ray because they were lazy shits who woke up at 2pm whenever possible. I stalked into Mikeys room then took a running dive and landed on him, causing him to squeal and let and a grumble before pushing me off and getting me stuck, flailing between the bed and the wall. He rolled his eyes and pushed me up causing me to squeal and run out the room to wake Ray. I repeated the tecnique on Ray who just kicked me and rolled over. I demanded he got up soon and left the room, heading downstairs to make our breakfast; chocolate chip pancakes. I wasn’t very good at making them so they ended up coming out burnt in the middle and raw around the outside much to my confusion. I grimaced and chewed them, trying to swallow them without letting them hit my tastebuds and scar me for life. I ate a few before binning the scrappy remains into the trashcans. I brushed my teeth and pulled on my favorite jacket.
We all bundled up into the car and headed down to the little clinic, wondering how this would go. When he’d first been sedated we’d been told it could be problematic waking him up and that he may suffer confusion or sickness. I worried about the future, and helping him get over the brain issues. I worried about what had happened to his brain because we’d never been told. I just wanted to see him and find out how bad it was…
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Hey there again guys! :D back on track with this, but im back in school now after half term so might be harder to update. ¬¬. also if possible could you check out my new colab story about MCR and avenged sevenfold i mean PLEASE it has 0 reads, 0 subscribes and 0 comments, just looking at it makes me feel like a fail -_-
You know the cue, please comment and subscribe and get it read and blah blah :D
THANK YOU FOR THE NAME ADVICE EVEN IF ITS A DRAW >D i think i might go with Emma-Lee because Duckies full of bad memories and scars and hanging and bleurgh!! duckie is a bad version of the past ¬¬. XD

Loads of love :) Emma-lee xxx