Get Your Finger on the Trigger


u] August 10th 2010, Gerard’s Point of View

I awoke to Ray walking into my room and swinging me over his shoulder. I didn't like this awakening concidering I still felt like crap and let's me fair my back was killing so having it bent wasn't helping. He carried me downstairs and lay me down on the sofa, my head resting on Franks lap who started stroking my hair in an odly comforting manner. Mikey was sat on the other sofa with Ray, watching me as if I was a monkey at a zoo. I hated that. Ever since I'd got back yesterday they'd been taking turns to watch me, as if I might suddenly have a panic attack. I snuggled tighter against the sofa and stared back at Mikey and Ray, keeping my mouth shut. I was scared to talk incase they mocked me about what had happened. "This is too tense, you'll just be creeping the poor lad out more, stick a film on or something." Frank suggested, wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me closer to him. I saw Mikey pick a movie out from the many horror movies we owned so I nervously shuffled closer to Frank. He looked down at my, confused but tightened his grip protectively. 
*An hour later*
The movie was half through, and it was one of the few I'd never seen. The next scene to flash on terrified me. The lead girl was being raped by a load of burly men. I let out a strangled scream and stared shaking and scratching at Franks leg, petrified. "Turn it off turn it off!" Frank shouted at Ray who quickly hit the lights as Mikey turned off the TV. All the guys knelt near me and to my regret i knew I'd let onto what had happened to me that I was so scared of. "Gees never scared of horrors, he loves them.... why did he freak out?" Mikey thought out loud. Ray hesitated for a moment, scratching his head as my heart pounded in my beaten chest. "What if he freaked out because that's what happened to him?..." Ray said in a very low voice. Mikey turned white. "Shit no wonder he's scared..." my little brother gasped. Frank rolled his eyes and held me closer to his side as I tried to call down. "Your talking like he's not here... Gee? Is that what happened to you, you might as well tell us or we'll assume it did.." He told me, so I let out a shaky sigh and nodded. Mikey hugged me mumbling in my ear that I was safe now. Everyone was silent for a little while before Ray spoke up, the brains of the band "Look i think after what's happened Gees stressed enough today, he might get worse. How about we go to your room so you can rest Gee with a Chinese and a shit load off cookie dough?" to which Frank grinned and screamed hell yes, and I nodded slightly, still quiet and unable to smile...
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You know the drill ;)