Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Frank’s POV
It was so incredibly different now that Mikey had gone away to Florida. I spent every moment of the day thinking about him and missing him profusely. It’d only been a day since he’d gotten out of hospital, and his brother had left, but Gerard was already having short conversations and he never fussed when we’d had to give him his medication. That was the bit I found weirdest, Gerard hated needles yet he wasn’t complaning or even scared when he had it done. It’d confused me to the edge of my mind. When Ray and I had asked him what his reasons were for talking and being so well behaved he answered with the short statement of ‘I’ve been a burden on you guys long enough’. He also mentioned that he’d scared his own brother away and he needed to be good for Mikey to come back. That had really upset Ray, because we both knew Mikey didn’t think Gee had been a burden, he’d looked after him without a complaint, he was just tired now. Gerard was sat watching a film in the living room so I quickly grabbed my mobile and headed outside to try call Mikey, since his flight should have landed by now. I didn’t get a reply, and that worried me. I felt something nagging at the back of my mind but put it down to being paranoid and headed back inside the house. Looking back on the day, I wished I’d realised something was wrong sooner.
As the weeks difted by we got more worried about Mikey. He was only meant to be away a week but it’d been three now. We’d called him every couple of hours for the past fortnight but he’d never picked up. Ray was flying out to Florida tommorrow to try find Mikey and I was going to call around and see if there was any trace of him. If we didn’t find him by the end of the month we’d agreed we’d have to call the police. I grabbed a cup of coffee from the kitchen and sat down in the living room, sipping at it and waiting for my laptop to load. When it did a message popped up on my MSN. It was from Mikey. My pulse pounded in my ears as I maxmised the screen and read the message. ‘Dear Frank, I’m still in Florida and don’t worry I’m safe. Before you think of tracking the area code from this, don’t bother I’m at an internet café not at home. Please stop calling me, I know Gerard’s doing better without me. I’ve sent you a letter but please don’t open it until next Friday, It’ll explain everything. Stop worrying about me, I’m fine. Mikey. x’. I had to read the message a few times before it sunk in. I could see the lies behind it, I wasn’t stupid. I didn’t know what he was planning but I guessed it wasn’t good. I threw my laptop to the ground, recognising the cringeworthy thud as a signal that I’d destroyed my 6th laptop of the year. I ran into Ray’s room and kicked him away; it was about 3am and I’d been insomniac lately but it didn’t mean the other guys stayed up with me. Ray groaned at me and tried to hide from me but I dragged the duvet of him and pulled him onto the floor. He glared up at me angrily and yelled what was so important that I had to wake up so freaking early. I hushed him and stated the one name I knew he’d get up and hurry for; Mikey. As I’d guessed Ray stumbled to his feet and started interogating me about what had happened, and agreed with me it was strange.
“Ray we have to go to Florida early, and I need to come with you.” I cried, worried. He rolled his eyes and questioned who’d look after Gerard. I bit my lip and thought hard, then I remembered Emma-Lee from the party we’d had before Mikey’d left. I’d heard she had a young kid and never really left the house. Ray had gotten quite close to her so agreed he could trust her with Gee for a couple of days. I ran to the basement and told Gee to pack since he was staying with a friend for a few days since me and Ray had to go to Florida. He didn’t look very impressed but complied and grabbed his bag. I ran upstairs and pulled out my own bag and stuffing it full of clothes and shit I’d probably need for a few days. I grabbed my skittle supply from my sock draw – thirty five freaking bags. I’d been collecting – and shoved them into the bag too. I found my passport and bought a ticket for the flight online seeing as Ray already had one. I found my laptop, half alive, in the living room and started hacking the IM Site to get the area code for Mikey’s computer. It’d be a help to at least know where in the state he was. After half an hour of trying I got the code for a town called Avon Park. I found arrangments for us to get there from the airport and shoved all the details in my bag. My heart was pounding in my chest as I worried about Mikey. We all climbed into Ray’s car, throwing the bags in the back before heading to Emma-Lee’s house.
Emma-Lee’s POV
I stared at my beautiful baby, Serendipity, who was sleeping like an angel in her tiny cot. It still didn’t feel like she was mine yet… I wrapped her up in her tiny yellow blanket when I heard the door go. I scooped Serend up in my arms and went to answer the door. Stood in my doorway were Ray, Frank and Gee. I ushered them in, promising them a coffee. Serender whimpered in my arms and I cuddled her closer to my chest before tucking her in one arm and carrying the tray of coffees through to the living room in my spare hand. I placed them down on the table and sat down next to Frank who was cooing at my baby girl. I laughed at him, he was more of a father to her than her actual dad. I sighed thinking of that, and Frank wrapped his arm around my waist to try comfort me. He was gay but he was so sweet. “So what’s your business here?” I asked softly, trying not to wake up my little angel. I’d never liked kids before I’d hit about seven months pregnant, but now I loved them. I rested my head against Frank’s shoulder. “Well come on, why you guys at my humble home?” I asked raising an eyebrow. Gerard never came to my place. He was baned. Frankie and Ray didn’t know; it was secret. But I hated him being here, despite the wonders what he did gave me.
“We need you to look after Gee for a bit… Mikey’s gone missing and we’re scared….that…that we wont find him alive.” Ray mumbled, that struck me. Poor Mikes. I could put up with Gee for a few days right?... Well I hope.
“That’s fine, shoo shoo don’t miss your flight!” I laughed, fakely, and ushered them out. “We’ll be fine I promise!” I assured them. Frank kissed Serendipity on the tip of her tiny nose and hugged me before they had to leave. I walked inside cradleing my beautiful baby.I walked face to face to Gee who was biting his lip nervously.
“Now we’re alone tell me. Why did you leave your daughter!?” I asked angrily, holding our baby closer to my chest. Yep, Gerard was Serendipity’s dad. He’d fucked me and ran. And I wanted answers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Emma-lee -

Oh dear fuck, i dyed my hair right? it was meant to go red. how did it come out? PITCH BLACK. I look wicked mind... but totally emo -_- XD so yeah, epic fail of the day >D I like this idea of us all sharing facts, makes me feel like we're all a big family!! :D and you gays are pretty interesting ;)

hmm... right another fact about me... oh! i know! Im bi :3 >D thats fact 4..