Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Frank’s POV
When we got to the down where Mikey had been tracked to, myself and Ray suddenly felt at a loss. As much as this was a small town, where would we start looking? He could be anywhere… We walked into the internet café that Mikey had been at and bought two coffees, sitting down and looking around while drinking them. The place was pretty nice, a long counter covered in tempting cupcakes and muffins, big brown sofas and little coffee tables and the lad behind the till was fit…Looking at him, however good looking he was, he didn’t hold a match to Gee. I sighed into my coffee, missing him even after just leaving him a few hours ago. Ray patted my back, obvuously thinking I was worried about Mikey which wasn’t the case. Mikey was a big boy now, he’d probably be fine, but we still had to check up on him. A little bell rang in the doorway, signalling someone had came in, I looked up absent mindedly to see a tall, skinny boy coming into the café and sitting in the corner, chewing on the sleeve of his damp hoody. His hair was greasy and in knots, as if he hadnt showered for weeks, and his clothes were covered in filth. He was underweight but when I looked up at those eyes; I just knew it was Mikey. I got up, kicking my chair over but not caring enough to prop it back up and walked over to Mikey who was staring at me with a look of ‘oh shit’ in his eyes. I threw my arms around him before he could run and clung to him, scared he’d vanish. He started crying then and I joined him. Ray was hurrying over but I still clung to Mikey, convinced I was dreaming. Once I was over it I slapped him angrily and pouted.
“What was that for?!” He yelped, rubbing his, now red, cheek. I grumbled and stated I’d missed him, before hugging him again.Ray walked off to buy him lunch and I sat down next to him.
“Why didn’t you come back?” I asked, still upset.
“You guys don’t need me; Gerards better without me and you know that. I know he’s talking again so don’t lie. He’s better, and it’s because I’m gone.” Mikey whimpered in a huhed voice. My heart broke that he thought that; Gerard was talking because he felt like burden and that Mikey would come back if he did talk… It was twisted! I explained the situation but he rolled his eyes refusing to believe me, so I gave up and asked for his adress. His chewed his lip and it seemed that statement had hit a nerve.
“You have a home right?!” I asked angrily, raising my voice. He continued to stare at his feet. I turned to the counter.
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Short because i'm tired and dunno how to take this, might finish it up soon and right a fluffy frerard for the sequal where they're all cute and falling in love...
replies to comments:
@Yours Truely X - ee! i have a dog too :D :3 mines called Spenncer...
@kristy333333 - ah im sorry i made you cry D:
@chemicalkid101 - :D i like cookies too!
@angy_kaulitz / @DaniellaAutumn - yaaay! bi people ftw ;D XD i stick to my theory of all the bestest people are... like frankie and gee :P

OHHH EXTRA THOUGHT..theres like NO mibba conventions or shit... you know conventions? like where all fans of similar things meet and are like YAAAY and happeh happeh happpeh! I'm from Newcastle, England (an hour from edinburgh for you scots), so i was wondering if i tried to organise something like that whether anyone would be interested? now, if your reading this and dont usually comment dont be scared! :) its just that i;d love to meet people, so i thought a big group meet or shit could be fun... so anyone interested?

pps. Check out my profile pic, anyone like my new hair? :/ dyed it black...

Love and love and love, Duckie xxx

*EDIT* - *eyebrow wiggle* newcastle has a airport! ;)