Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Gerard’s POV
I heard talking upstairs so crawled out of bed and pulled on one of my huge, baggy hoodies. I wandered up stairs to the living room where all the band was sat. Mikey, my little brother, was in tears while being hugged by Ray and Frank was sat stunded. I noticed the news was playing on TV. Please, please don’t say they knew… I walked over and stepped on a hanger which snapped alerting the boys I was there. Frank walked over and wrapped his arms round me. I stood loosly in his arms, not hugging back, confused by how sollemn they all were. “Gee… you were on the news… What happened to you, they didn’t know much. But I KNOW it was you…” Frank stated solemnly. Oh god… They knew. They’d judge me. I felt a tear run down my face and grabbed my keys before running out the front door, upset. I didn’t notice I was barefoot and wearing nothing but a hoody and slacks. I pounded down the street, running and running to try and forget what had happened and how they’d all be laughing at me at the moment. It wasn’t fair!
I sat in the park on the swings in a while watching the rain fall. I saw my brother Mikey walking down the road towards me. I got up ready to run but he walked over slowly, palms out as if to say peace. I sat back down, shivering. He sat on the swing next to me.
“Gee…” He started, holding my hand within both of his. He peeked into my bloodshot eyes, trying to work out what I was thinking. “Look, I have a good idea what happened to you now… I feel so, so sorry for you Gerard. I see why you’re scared to talk Gee but we wont hurt you. We just want to help you. You can say as much or as little as you want but please just talk. We’re all here to help you. I want my brother back..” He stated, starting to cry. I took my free hand and wiped away one of his tears that rolled down his cheek. The voice in my head was screaming at me not to talk, to say safe in my head but my brother just needed one word then I could go back to silence.
Mikey’s POV
“Smile…” Gee mumbled in a soft and cracked voice. It sounded like his throat had been scrubbed at with sandpaper. I could tell that was hard for him but I suddenly felt elated to hear his voice. I flung my arms round him crying, but happy now not sad. A massive grin spread on my face and I held him back at arms length.
“Your soaked… Lets get you home.” I said, still grinning before walking home with him hand in hand. We got in to find Frank and Ray stood in the doorway, and they immediately looked confused by my massive grin. I gave them a look like ‘I’ll tell you later’ and ran Gerard a bath before leaving him to warm up. I slowly headed downstairs to leave him to it and sat in the living room telling the guys what had happened.
“He really spoke?” Ray said, obviously looking doubtful. I nodded, still grinning.
“What did he say?” Frank asked, looking as proud as I did.
“Smile..” I mumbled, I loved how his first word was so comforting, like a breath of a sweet breeze in the desert.
“Awwweh!! I cant wait until he’s ready to talk fully again…” Frank squeaked, like the little girl he was inside.
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Hey theres 4 comments on this but like 52 readers! i expect everyone who reads this to comment ;) im counting. I'd really appreciate it and comments give me the support to update more :)