Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Frank’s POV
I walked into Gerard’s room, watching him sleep lightly. He’d spoken… I was so proud of him. I sat down carefully on the side of his bed making sure not to shake him or wake him up. I slowly rolled the sheets down so that I could see his bruised torso and legs. Poor lad was really messed up. I slipped into the closet and got a few sets of bandages, gauze and a first aid kit. We hadn’t checked them yet or changed them so I didn’t really wanna see what state they were in but they needed to be changed. I slowly peeled one of the main ones off his chest. It reminded me of a knife wound but I guessed since it was a gang there’d be knives… We’d never looked when he first got back; we just tried to stop the bleeding. The wound was quite bad and covered in dry blood. I couldn’t stand the look of it so covered it with a towel and ran up to get Ray to give me a hand cleaning it.
I found him in the living room and dragged him down to help me. He sat on the side of the bed and wiped down the cut with an antiseptic wipe. It looked just as bag cleaned up – it hadn’t healed well, it was just an ugly gash, red around the edges and messy. He sprayed it over with a disinfecting spray. I tore a big square of gauze out its packaging and held it tight against the gauze over the big cut as Ray taped it down. We bandaged it up and got around to treating them all until we came to his back. Running down the length of his back were bruises and a huge gash we mustn’t have noticed on the first night. It was coated in coppery dry blood and was leaking dark, fresh blood that ran down his back. and it looked infected. Ray cleaned it up and bandaged it before going upstairs and booking Gee an appointment with a GP for tomorrow afternoon.
I walked upstairs and sat down, resting my head in my hands. This whole thing was pretty stressful and all of us so I felt pretty sorry for Gerard being stuck in his own head to deal with this. Poor Mikey too, I’d hate to have a sibling or someone that close have this happen to them. It was hard enough to watch it happen to Gerard. When I thought hard about it, I didn’t know how I felt about Gerard. He was a very good friend, but I felt closer to him than I do to Mikey or Ray. I felt protective of him, and my heart fluttered when he touched my skin. It felt like fireworks when we kissed mid-gig to tease the fans. I’d always had more reason to kiss him than for the fans, I think I kinda enjoyed it, but I was never sure. I couldn’t be in love with Gerard, could i? I mean I didn’t even think I was gay…
I got up and walked into the kitchen grabbing a mug and making myself a coffee. I guess it couldn’t be so bad if I admitted to myself I was gay. Deep down now I concidered it, I’d always checked out lads arses subconciously and girls had never interested me that much. I felt the mug of coffee slip out my hands and shatter. I sat down wide eyed, feeling dizzy from realising. I was so surprised I was sat down in the shattered mug. I was gay… How hadnt I known? I could feel footsteps coming up but I didn’t care. What would the band, my parents, my friends think? What if they hated me?!
I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist but there was an eerie silence in the room only being broken by my gasped breaths. The arms pulled me up and stood me up, before cleaning up the china and leading me into the bathroom. I knew by the silence, and the electricity, that it was Gerard. He helped me slide my shirt over my head and he tugged my shorts down so he could get at the china that was digging into my skin. I just noticed how it was painful and I could feel slight tugs at my skin as Gerard picked it out. I tried to turn round but he turned my head back away and kept picking at it. The silence was quite cute, but aquward. He bandaged up my back and thigh where it was bleeding and sore and helped me sit down in the living room. Gerard turned around to leave but I grabbed his arm and whispered in a soft, pained voice.
“Gee… Im gay.”
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Duckie xx