Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Mikey’s POV
I got out of the car when we got to the GP’s clinic half an hour later and walked round to the other side to escort Gerard to the doctors room. He looked scared and was twisting a lock of his jet black hair between his fingers. I smiled softly at him to which he just gazed back at me. He’d never liked doctors and I knew he was pretty stressed at the moment after the ‘Frank Incident’ this morning. I took his shaking hand and led him inside the clinic. It was very pretty inside, with lots of plants and yellow, friendly walls. I’d specifically chosen a hospital that had a friendly atmosphere. An old woman, looking about seventy, shot Gerard a cheerful smile and ushered us over to the desk where she nipped behind it and fished out some forms and a green folder. She handed me the forms explaining breifly how to fill them out and wrote Gerard’s name on the green folder.
I took the forms and the folder and thanked her, before collecting a pen from a tub on the counter. I sat down, leading Gee to a seat next to me. He was chewing on his fingertips nervously. I filled out the information about him, including breifly explaining our knowledge of what had occurred to cause the wound; ‘Subject to a violent attack under a week ago, has spoken in one sylable replies since and sustained major gashes, one on his back which hasn’t healed and is the subject of our visit’. I put the forms into the folder once I was finished and handed it to the woman. Gerard seemed to panic when I left his side and clung to my arm when I returned. I knew he was scared of anything related to medicine but he was never normally so clingy or extreme, mind I supposed he’d been through extreme trauma.
We waited about a half hour before Gerard’s name was called and a doctor quickly collected his file and a few more papers. He shepherded us to a room that was shut off from the corridor by a heavy white door with a plaque on saying ‘examination three’. Gerard clung to my arm tighter but I continued to lead him into the room. The walls in here were white and there was a blue matress covered in a plastic sheet against one wall. A light was focused on the bed, yet still movable, and there was a little metal tray on a table next to it. The doctor took Gerard and sat him down on the little matress, comanding him to take off his shirt, to which he complied. The doctor examined his back and quickly prescribed some antibiotics and cleaned it out. Once it was tightly bandaged up, Gee got up ready to leave but the doctor asked us to come take a seat at his desk, which we complied, but were curious. Gerard clung to my hand nervously. The doctor coughed, indicating he was ready to talk.
“When I read your file I was intregued by what I read under the notes. You claimed that he’d suffered severe trauma and has been left mute. I have some theorys but I was simply curious and wished to examine him.” The doctor announced. I looked at Gerard who stared at me nervously and panicked.
“I think he’s scared. Would we be able to give it a trial now and just see how it works and how he finds it?” I asked curiously, to which the doctor nodded. Gerard clung to my arm and stared as the doctor walked off and collected a file from the cabinet. He sat back down oposite us and handed Gerard a sheet of paper. “I’m gonna ask you some questions Gerard, and I want you to write or draw me a reply, it doesn’t matter which, whatever feels better for you. Think you can do that Gerard?” He asked slowly, to which Gee shrugged and picked up the pen. He chewed on the end of it a little, and scribbled on the paper a bit so he could get used to the feel of it. We hadn’t tried making him write or draw so it must feel rather unusal for him.
“First of all Gerard, what’s your connection to the boy sat next to you at the moment?” He asked, which I found weird, I mean Gerard knew that. I was his brother, it was simple. Gerard immediately smiled to himself quietly and started to draw two sketchy boys hugging, and wrote around it ‘Protecter and Protectee’. I laughed at that; it was true. He looked after me as much as I looked after him. The doctor took the page off Gerard and examined it slightly before smiling to himself. “Okay, that makes sense,” He stated “How about how are you feeling lately?”
Gerard seemed more, nervous, about this question. He started blinking a lot and chewing the end of the pen before he wrote down a few words that broke my heart; ‘Nervous, Pain, Fear and Anticipation’. The doctor nodded a bit then stopped, visably confused.
“Why anticipation? What are you anticipating?” The doctor asked him. Gerard picked up the pen and drew a sketch and wrote underneath ‘rape’. As I glanced at the paper I saw Gerard had drawn a messy version of Frank, but still with the same main tattoos like his haloween fingers. I let out a slightly audioable gasp which is when the doctor turned to me, asking why this had shocked me.
“I… We know that guy, he’s part of the band and recently came out to Gerard as being gay. He’s the sweetest person ever…” I mumbled.
“I think we should have another seshion, and invite this Frank lad.” The doctor stated before writing out some quick notes which he put in Gerard’s folder and gave us an apointment card for the following week…. Poor Frankie…
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