Get Your Finger on the Trigger


Gerard’s POV
I blinked my eyes open in the morning after my appointment and headed upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw a tremendous mess, and it wound me up pretty badly. I knew we were a house of lads but we didn’t want rats; unless that was Frank’s new animal of the week and hadn’t mentioned it yet. No Gerard, don’t think of HIM He’s there to hurt you nothing more, want him to rape you eh? . I shuddered at the voice in my head, it’d started quite quietly a day after the incident but now it was clear and loud, like I had a person sat in my head dictating my actions and thoughts. I couldn’t tell Mikey or the doctor, I’d get locked up… It wasn’t even bad hearing him, he was my little secret. I filled the granite sink with hot soapy water and started cleaning up the dishes meticulously. It was quite cool to just have something to concentrate on, to kill my thoughts. I scrubbed and scrubbed at the dishes before putting them away when they finally shone and sparkled. I cleaned down the countertops and washed the windows and the floor. Everything in the room was finally bright and sparkly. I grinned at it.
{u] Ray’s POV

I got up early because I heard someone in the kitchen. I staggered into the kitchen and saw Gerard finishing washing the floor. That was weird; I’d NEVER seen Gerard clean…This was pretty unusual so I made a mental note to tell Frankie and Mikey about this later.
“Hey Gerard! I’m going to make some breakfast, want some?” I asked, to which he shrugged. I got a packet of bacon out the fridge and chucked it in a pan before making some coffee’s for us. Gerard was staring at the bacon cooking away in the pan, I couldn’t work out what his face was like but I swear he looked repulsed by it. Mental note, tell Mikey that as well . I shoved it on a plate and made it into some sandwiches and placed it down onto the table. I sat down, signalling for Gerard to come sit down next to me. He shifted nervously on the seat and took the bacon out from within the bread, tearing off the fat carefully. I glanced over at him, worried about how little he’d been eating lately and how fussy he was being now. He slowly ripped off a small piece and placed it in his mouth, grimacing and chewing it with a scrunched up face. Maybe he just didn’t like bacon anymore…
“Do you want something else Gerard? You don’t seem to like that…” I asked him. He shook his head and mumbled that he wasn’t hungry yet, before taking a glug of the coffee and getting up. Third thing to tell Mikey . I sighed and cleaned up his dishes and put them away in the cupboard. I stalked out the kitchen, watching Gerard go back down to his basement. I took this chance to go tell Mikey my three things.
I headed up the stairs and knocked on Mikey’s door. I heard a thud, a groan and something smash against the door. This made me let out a small laugh to myself. Mikey wasn’t a morning person. No way. I heard him get up, probably from the floor and open the door.
“I have. The most. Shocking news. EVER”
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now, i have 10 prewritten too but want seven comments this time since theres like 30 something subscribers that aint so bad right? :) show yourselves i dont bite
thanks for the comments:

YEah... i have issues, shuup you love them!!