Two Hundred or Less


Jill stared at the mug in front of her. She didn't know what to do with it. She hated coffee. What was she thinking? Why had she made it. But she so needed the energy...

Swallowing nervously, she lifted the cup up to her lips and tasted the disgusting liquid. It took all of her willpower to swallow it and not spit it back into the cup. She shuddered, before returning to her staring match with the mug.

For the first time, she began to question her choice to do Nano. Of course, it would be something that she would do. Just jump into things headfirst, worry about the consequences later. Of course. She sighed, and picked up the cup again.

Shuddering, she downed the rest of her cup and turned back to her computer.

Yep. Just a regular morning.
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Just a fun little thing that I felt like starting off with... this would definitely be me with coffee. It's just... blegh.