Status: Discontinued. Sorry guys.

Just Say When

Time To Wake Up

"Run," was all I heard. Having no idea where to turn, I blindly ran into oblivion. There was nothing. No ground, yet I was running. No air, yet I was breathing, and no sky. Nothing. Blank, spacious, never-ending, nothing. I pumped my legs and arms faster and faster until I felt like I couldn't go any farther. I collapsed, but when I did, I just fell, for a long time.

Strangely enough, as I am falling, closing my eyes and praying that there is something soft beneath me, I hear a song. A guitar. Then a voice, a voice I feel like I've heard before.

"I guess it's only the men who get fucked now and again..."

And suddenly, there is something beneath me. I clutch with my fingers as I feel something damp. Sheets, sweaty sheets. "FUCK!" I yell out in shock. I feel like I'm still falling.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I hear someone yell. Shit! Nightmares again. I lay in a hazy limbo, feeling as if I was only half alive. I open my eyes and let them adjust, and it's only then that I realize that my iPod alarm was on full blast. "Time to Break Up" by Blink 182 was screaming throughout my room. I put a hand to my forehead out of habit, and turned to my mirror. My hair is completely fucked up.

"Sick," I say to myself with sarcastic enthusiasm. Time to fucking wake up. I am so not ready for another day in hell.
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"Time to Break Up" by Blink 182. Sorry it's short. 2nd Chapter will be up in a few days possibly :) hope you liked it?