Status: Discontinued. Sorry guys.

Just Say When

Remembering more than you'd like to Forget.

"Um...Mrs. Hampton...Alex, what?" I asked, anxious.

"Uh..." She squints, looking at the screen through her ever thickening glasses. "Gaskarth?" She raises a brow, unsure if she said it right.

"Oh boy..." I said under my breath. Alex Gaskarth was the lead singer of a local band my best friend, Halle, was stalking, All Time Low.

"Hmm?" Mrs. Hampton looks at me, uninterested in what I might have said, but still being polite. I shook my head and walked back to my seat.

Pulling out my phone, I push my hair out of my face, a nervous habit of mine. Cursing under my breath, I went to text Halle. Not more than 20 seconds later, there is a reply.


"Damn! If you can find him first, I guess." I replied.


I roll my eyes and put my iPod on shuffle. Oh and guess what comes on? Ha! All Time Low. Fucking a. Oh and guess who walks into the room?

You know who.

He walks in like nothing, like he's been in this school, and knows every person, dated every girl, and just...knows it all. He doesn't seem to need my help. He's got a nonchalant look in his dark eyes, as he takes the seat diagonally across from me. He has to turn to see Mrs. Hampton, and he does so. I can't stop loooking. I mean what the hell, honestly? He's thin, and so tall compared to me, I can already plainly see. His hair is a dark brown, and shaggy, passing his ears and almost hitting his shoulders. Why am I still looking?!

I almost don't notice when she stops talking, and he starts to turn back to face me. He looks me up and down once, briefly, with little to no interest. With downcast eyes, I pretend to busy myself, when suddenly, "Hey, I'm Alex. You must be Carmen."

I kick myself for letting my mom put that name on my transcripts. "Just call me Elle." I say with a half-smile.

"Why?" He says in a blunt, almost rude tone.

"It's a long story." I say. "Just, call me Elle." I repeat.

"Alright. Call me the Prince of Persia." He says seriously.

I roll my eyes, irritated at his lack of emotion in his voice. "Everyone knows I hate my name, okay? Since I wear 'electric' eyeshadows, and often have lightning bolts somewhere on me," I expose my wrist to show a small but bold lightning bolt on the right side. "People started calling me Carmen Electra for the play on words obviously. I didn't exactly want to be compared to her, so they just called me Electra for like ten minutes, then everyone just decided on Elle. Happy?" I rush out.

"I make you nervous." He smiles happily.

God this is going to be one hell of a ride...
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"The Photograph Is Proof" Taking Back Sunday.