Status: Discontinued. Sorry guys.

Just Say When

Sunsets never were so bright, and the skies never so blue

I turned away from him and his dizzying eyes, and paid an unhealthy amount of attention to Mrs. Hampton, avoiding Alex at all costs.

Unfortunately, it's difficult to ignore someone who is continuously walking next to you between every class period. He still had that stride, still confident in his "i-don't-give-a-fuck" sense. It's pretty unnerving to be around someone who stares like a dead man, but walks like he's fully aware.

"So," I start. "You have anywhere to be at lunch?"

He doesn't look at me, but instead continues in silence. Fuck I knew it was a bad idea to ask him to meet Halle. I'm shocked to hear him say, "Are you asking me to hang out with you?" In a suspicious tone that suggests he has compared it to a date.

"Uh, yeah I guess. I think you'd like my friend, Halle." I try to keep it breezy, but he was right--he does make me nervous, and I don't know why.

"Halle, huh?" He says in a lower tone.

"Yeah..." I begin to imagine her in my mind. Honey blonde hair and the most bright hazel eyes that you ever did see on a cute little face with a perfectly angular jaw. "She's blonde, a little shorter than me, with the best figure ever. Who am I kidding? I know you saw her. You had to. She saw you I bet. Who wouldn't--" I cut myself off, realizing I'm babbling and saying entirely too much. Why? Shit!

"Does she have an annoyingly high-pitched voice?" He says, smiling at my outburst.

"I guess you could say that."

"I think she might be stalking me." He nods his head slightly.

"Oh you have no idea." I mumble under my breath. I see him smile from the corner of my eye, and for a second I thought he heard me. He catches me looking and points to a cloud above us.

"Look at the clouds." He smiles for the first time with teeth I've seen all day.

I look up and realize, the skies have never been so cloudless and blue. Smart me, I say "There aren't any clouds."

His smile continues as he looks down at me with a perculiar look I don't recognize. "Exactly. I feel like they've been following me, and for the first time, they're gone."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Turns out, my class is right next to Alex's right before lunch. I walk him to the right of the library, right near the fence where no one but my little group goes. Halle isn't there yet, so it is awkward (at least for me) when we sit with our backs to the fence.

I run my hands up and down my thigh, antsy, and push my hair from my face. As I turn to him I say, "Sorry, Halle's supposed to be here by now." I give a half-assed chuckle.

"Its fine, I actually prefer smaller groups." He says casually.

Halle runs up to us and sits right next to Alex. "Hi Alex!" She practically screams at him.

He pinches the bridge of his nose breifly and turns to her and says, "Hi, Halle."

Her eyes completely light up as she hears her name roll off his tongue. "Will you write a song about me?! Omigawd that would be so amazing! Are you single? I'll do anything for you!" She rushes out. I love her and all, but dear God is she overdone.

"Uh..." Alex blinks.

"Hey, Halle, come with me to the bathroom?" I say, not giving her a chance to answer as I push her in. I turn back and mouth "I'll be right back, don't leave." to him.

"What the fuck CARMEN?!" She spits, completely enraged I pulled her away from him.

I raise a brow and lash back, "Will you quit being so fucking ridiculous?! Do you want ANY type of chance with him?! You'll scare him off! How the hell would you feel being the new kid, trying to lay low, ESPECIALLY since he's in a band, and HOT AS HELL, having some random girl you don't even know bombarding you with questions, and requests within the first two seconds of meeting them!? God." I finish.

She narrows her eyes at me, "You just want him for yourself, you selfish bitch."

It's my turn. "You don't even LIKE the band! You can't stand their music, you only listen to fucking mainstream stuff, and only go to their concerts because you think he's hot! So, yeah, I'm a selfish bitch for trying to make him feel welcome instead of pouncing on him, even though I'm a much bigger fan than you!"

She spits in my face, "You fucking whore. I never want to see you again."

I pull her back and punch her in the throat. She cries. "Good riddance, bitch. You were always a shit friend." I began to wipe off my face as I walk back to Alex.

He sees right through my facade as I sit with him. "What happened?"

"She spit in my face, that fucking bitch..." I say wiping my face once again.

"Can I ask why?"

I consider, "It's stupid."

"Try me."

"Okay, she's been stalking your band for like three months now. We've been to your concerts a few times...She only goes because she thinks you're hot, and it pissed me off she flew off the handle like that, and she was pissed I pulled her away." I explain.

His eyes run over me, "Why do you go?" He asks shyly.

I lie through my fucking teeth, "To keep her company."

He yet again sees through me. "She could get anyone to go with her."

I look up, but away from him. "I guess you guys are alright."

How could I tell him how much I love his music? I'd be just as bad as Halle...
♠ ♠ ♠
Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade
So I'm thinking I should change the rating on this story to "R" instead of "PG-13" ...I say fuck a lot...