Come Down With Love


I woke up n I wasn't in my bunk. Zach had me tight against him, so im in Zach's. "Zach can you let me out i gottago to the bathroom befoer anyone eles." I whispered in his ear. He let go of me and I went n took a shower n got ready for the day.
I just got done doing my nails. I learned at Hair school how to do nails and hair stuff and peirceings. after doing my nails i went to wake everyone up. "Guys get up I'm bored and lonly." I told Cameron n Mike n Chey. "Don't you have Zach?" CHey asked still tired."No he won't wake his butt up." After I said that they went back to sleep so I decided to doodle(did I forget to say I love to draw n rock at it). I went n got my doodleing/sketch book n color pencials n markers n pencials n erasers.

The bus stoped so I decided to wake everyone up. "Zach get up the bus stopped." I said so sweetly to him. I woke everyone eles up so nicely. "Gabby did you draw this?" Zach picked up the 1st one."Yea don't you remeber how amazing I am at drawing?" I asked him he said no. I took every art class I could in high school. Zach and I walked ouy him hold on to me. I could feel myself blushing. "Your cute when you blush." After that we wenrt to eat and then we got back on the bus and everyone got ready to go to the club.
We got in Mikey,Nathan,Chey, n Zoe go n get drinks while the other for of us got pop. After danceing up a storm n braken my heel n ripping my shirt Zach carried me to his bunk n we went to sleep.
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i dont own the drawings