Come Down With Love


I woke up and everyone still sleeping so i decided to getr ready.
I let everyone sleep with i played COD. "Gabby please tell me your not playing COD?" Zoe asked me. I nodded I was killing everything i could. she left to go back to bed. Zach woke up and played me n i won. "Gabby wanna go on a walk?" he ask n I nodded. He kept texting someone and i was wondering but fine cause we were holding hands. "Zach lets go to the park." We walked around looking for the park n finally found it.I ran to the swings n he walked slowly behind me."Zach will you push me?" I asked him like a little kid."Yes miss Gabby. I'd Love 2." We stayed at he park for a little longer and then started walking to the bus. "Zach who ya texting?" "Zoe. She wants to know how to make a move on Nathan." "I was gunna help her but i can't." He then gave me a weird look."Gabby your the match maker how can't you help her?" "Cause i just can't I haven't found an idea." We walked longer n longer not seeing the bus. "Zach we are lost." then we called the others to come get us. I started to get tired n Zach could notice."Gabby are you tired?" i shook my head no but then i fell alseep.

I woke up in my bbunk SAD FACE. It was 5:30 in the morning n I was WIDE AWAKE. I decided to draw.

I was thinking of what to draw next but then I wanted to watch a movie. I put in The Lion King 2. Love this movie. I guess i feel asleep during the movie. I woke up to Micheal N Ashlee yelling at me to get ready for the day as I finally put my headband over my hair (like this
I was ready for the day.