Sequel: Long Gone & Moved On.

Letters Between The Unknown.

Me, Myself, and My Medications.

"TWO MORE MOTHERFUCKING WEEKS AND I"M FUCKING DONE!" I yelled at no one from the roof.

So you may have noticed that I'm about as happy as a damn kid in a candy store because I'm graduating. Yeah I said it GRADUATING! I haven't been this happy since God knows when. Anyway I was sitting on the roof of the apartment complex that I live in, looking at the traffic. I personally don't understand where all of this excitement came from. I grabbed my bag and combat boots hopping in the car, well not literally, but you get the point. I opened all my windows and drove to Jayden's house.

"What the hell... Hav you better have an awesome explanation as to why your honking the horn like a maniac" She said sternly.

"I'm way to happy Jay. I haven't been in forever and now I feel new" I said sitting on the hood of my car.

"Well that's good. What are you going to do now?" She asked.

"I don't know what to do but I'm leaving because I'm bothering you" I said hopping off the hood.

"I only see you once a month now Haven. And now its a few months since I've actually had a normal conversation that doesn't include me saying "How are you feeling today?" She said talking with her hands.

"Not like you care Jayden" I said opening the door to my car.

"I do actually, you're going to throw your life away if you keep drinking you know" She said.

"You know nothing! And if I drink who the hell cares!? It makes everything feel wonderful" I yelled getting in my car speeding off.

When I got back to my apartment, I took a deep breath and I opened a cabinet I haven't touched in 2 months. The clear liquid in the bottles looked so good, so I quickly grabbed it and drank it. The burning sensation felt amazing as it ran down my throat, I almost moaned but I held it in. I slid down the wall gulping every last drop of the clear liquid, until I remembered the bottle of pills on top of my counter.

I walked slowly to the counter and snatched the bottle opening it rather quickly taking 5 pills out. I popped them all in my mouth and drowned them with the bottle of Vodka. When I finished drinking it, I grabbed another one. I plugged in my Ipod and put it on blast as I kept gulping down more Vodka and pills. The last thing I remember was looking down at the empty bottle of Vodka and Percocet also known as pain killers/sleeping pills... Life was definitely good.