Status: Alive.

Broken Wings

It all started when I was nine.

Gessele could remember her dad storming into the house, screaming and roaring and throwing things. She remembered her mother crying and telling her to go to her room, to hide until it was all over, and that she'd be up in a minute. But she never came up; she died that night. Her father beat the very life from her mother, using the excuse that she had been cheating, though she never left the house. He was just a drunk, and everyone knew it. Gessele remembered that her mother would hide away and let her take the beatings for her sometimes, too weak to fight him back.

Gessele was a victim for nine more years until she moved out.

She swore that she'd never end up like her mother. She'd never be scared or let a man or anyone handle her like that; and she'd definately never let them hit her child.

Gessele met Cameron, a sweetheart that she'd worked with for about a year 'til he stepped up and asked her on a date. Everything went well and they moved in together. But Gessele didn't expect that the blue-eyed sweetheart that she loved so dearly could be the death of her someday. She never knew that she wouldn't be able to keep the promise that she'd made herself so many years ago.

She never knew that she'd be a victim again.

Gessele Covalt. || Cameron Marez.


I own the characters mentioned in this story. Don't steal the plotline or anything, because I've worked really hard on it. Enjoy reading.