‹ Prequel: Whatever It Takes

New Perspective

Another Surprise

I leaded Josh into the sitting room where everyone was. They all shot up and hugged Josh. He had a huge grin on his face when he hugged Zac and Jeremy. He was close to Taylor, but Jeremy was his best friend.
"Where is she?", I asked Josh, suddenly anxious.
Everyone turned around to me and stared at me strangely.
"In the car", he smiled at me.
I ran out of the house and straight towards Josh's car, parked outside the gate. I opened the back door and cried as I unbuckled my daughter from the car seat. I lifted her out and hugged her close to my chest.
"Oh I've missed you, Sierra", I cried.
I walked into the house with her in my arms. When I walked into the sitting room, everyone stared at me, wide-eyed.
"Everyone, meet Sierra", I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks.
No one spoke. They all just stared at me and my daughter. Jake came over to us and wrapped his arm around me.
"Wow", Zac was the first to say as he came over and met his niece for the first time.
Everyone crowded around us then. I felt a little invaded by everyone, but I understood why they were so interested in my new family. I hadn't told anyone about them.
"Can I hold her?", Zac asked. I smiled at him as I handed her over.
"How old is she?", Taylor asked.
"Nine months", I grinned.
"She's so small", Chloe was memorized by this little person in the room.
"How come you never told us?", Jeremy asked.
"We wanted it to be a surprise", Josh told them.
I think some of them might have been a little angry that we never told them, but they soon got over it as Sierra was being passed around and cuddled by her new family.

Alexis and James were hovering over Sierra in her small cot, as Jeremy and Frankie talked to Josh and I about our new family.
"So, Hayley told us you're a journalist", Jeremy mentioned.
"I was. I quit my job last week. I've been busy sorting things out to come home", Josh explained.
"Oh, so that's why you stayed on longer?", Frankie asked.
Josh looked down at me and I looked down at ground. He looked back up and smiled.
"Yeah. I had to sort out our house", he squeezed his grip around my shoulder and smiled.
"You got it sorted?", I grinned.
"Yeah. We officially are now living in number nine", he said smugly.
"That's only a few doors down from here", Jeremy commented.
"Now we have out baby-sitters sorted", I laughed.
"Eh, I don't so", Frankie laughed.
"Alexis, don't touch Sierra", Jeremy warned his daughter.
"Oh god, she thinks she is a doll", Frankie did her famous 'facepalm' moment.
"I'm not hurting her", Alexis whined.
"You have all this ahead of you", Jeremy laughed at us.
"I think we'll be prepared for it", Josh grinned at me.
I cuddled into his chest, so glad to be close to him again.

Jake, Sierra and I walked ten doors to the right of Frankie and Jeremy's house. We walked up the gate and turned the key in the door number 'Nine'.
Inside, the house was dark. It took me a few minutes to find the light-switch but once I did, the room was lit up by the big light in the middle of the ceiling.
There was furniture in the sitting room and the kitchen. Just like our old place.
"I know it's not perfect. But it will do for a while. Just until we get enough money to buy new things", he said.
"No. It's perfect", I smiled at my new family and new home. Things just seemed to be perfect in my life right now. I was back home. Back where I belonged.


Frankie, Chloe and I sat in Starbucks. I loved sitting down in Starbucks. I mean, I've lost count the amount of times I hung out there, but it had been so long.
"So where are your children?", Chloe raised her eyebrows at us.
"Our husbands are minding them", Frankie said smugly.
"You sure about that? No babysitter today then?", Chloe smirked.
"No. The fathers are looking after them. Is that a problem for you? Or are you too busy dreaming about Hayley's mom?", Frankie laughed.
"Ew", I laughed.
"It's Dora The Explorer. Not Dora Williams",she rolled her eyes.
"Well we never know with you", Frankie and I both laughed.
"Haha. You're so funny", she pretended to laugh.
The door beside us pinged and a boy walked through. He was tall with black hair. He had a huge smile as he walked over to the table we all sat.
"Hello ladies", he greeted us.
"Hi", we all replied awkwardly.
"Who are you?", Chloe asked rudely. I kicked her leg under the table and she yelped in pain.
"I'm Mark", he said.
"I'm Hayley. And this is Frankie and Chloe", I introduced us.
"Hey. You live in the same street as us", Frankie recalled.
"I live in number ten?", he said which sounded more like a question.
I smiled because it sounded like he didn't know where he lived.
"I live in nine", I grinned.
"Maybe I'll see you again then?", he grinned at us all and walked up to the counter.
"Why did you kick me?", Chloe complained.
"Because you were rude", Frankie laughed.
"Whatever", she rolled her eyes again.
God, I missed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short. And I'm sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.
I know I haven't updated this in a while, but I have been debating with myself wether I should continue. I have the next few chapters ready to post, but I've decided that I won't post anymore unless people are actually reading this, because otherwise it is just a waste of time. So if you do read this and want me to continue, please comment. Otherwise, I think I will stop.