Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

***. Me. Hard

"Fuck. Me. Hard." Mikey said, his eyes wide, staring ahead.
I'd just told him about my encounter with Frank, every little detail of it. I even described Frank's eyes to him, which kinda freaked him out.
"Nah, I'd rather it be Frank, thanks" I smiled. Mikey turned to me and gave me a 'that was a pathetic attempt at a joke' look.
I loved saying Frank's name. It was so much better than calling him 'Him'. It felt even more real now that I knew his name, that he actually had a name, that I wasn't making him up.
"So you gonna talk to him tomorrow?" Mikey asked, taking one of my cigarettes and lighting it up.
We were walking home from school, since we'd gotten bored of waiting for the bus. I didn't really enjoy the idea of my little brother smoking away his life like I was, but I couldn't stop him, and even if I did, he'd still do it anyway. I might as well let him do it under my supervision.
God, I'm turning into my mom.
"Yeah, if I get a chance. He was late today, and it was out of luck that I got pushed into him in the line. I really want to talk to him though, you know? He kinda seemed interested" I shrugged, scared of letting myself get too excited like last time.
"He's been eyefucking you for a week, of course he's interested" Mikey sniggered, like it was an obvious fact.
"OK. But if this blows up in my face, I'm blaming you" I pointed at him with my cigarette.
"No, you'll thank me when Frank's dick is blowing up in your face" A smile grew on Mikey's face, and I could tell he was making a mental note of it.
"MIKEY! Thats gross. But if it does happen, I will thank you" I giggled, feeling naughty.
When I got home, I rushed upstairs and tried on basically my whole wardrobe. All my jeans, all my tshirts. I felt like such a girl, so stupid. He wouldn't notice what I was wearing, I'd have my sweater on.
I gave up after 20 minutes, and laid on the bed.
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Sorry its been such a long time since my last update! I've been super busy writing the later chapters. Really really sorry, i'm gonna upload a few chapters as a sorry present! i love you all!!! thankyou 5 subscribers! You....ARE AWESOME! and have good taste, may i add ;)