Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Playground Boner

"Gerard! Gerard! You little fucker, get the fuck up!"
I rolled around, warm and ridiculously comfortable.
"You get your lazy ass up now!"
I heard distant voices, and they sounded mad, so I shut it off and went back to my dream.
"If you don't get up right now I'm gonna kick your balls in and steal your Batman comic"
What was Batman doing in my dream?
I heard footsteps walk away. I rolled around again, trying to get even warmer.
The air became cold, and suddenly my face was freezing cold and soaking wet.
"FUCK!" I screamed, sitting up rapidly.
"Get the fuck up, its 8 o fucking clock" Mikey yelled, an empty glass in his hand.
"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I spluttered. I got up to realize that I hadn't even got into bed, I had slept on top of the bed, legs hanging off the edge, with my clothes and shoes still on.
I didn't have time to change, so I grabbed my bag, threw all of my books in, and ran out the door, Mikey behind me.
It turned out the bus was 10 minutes early for the first time in a century, so I missed it by a long shot.
I had to walk, again. I practically sprinted. There was no way on this earth I was going to miss Frank.
I got to school in good time, and when I finally got to my place, Frank was there.
In my place.
Where I stood.
My legs turned to jelly.
His eyes seemed even more piercing today, brighter. His hands were plunged deep into his sweater pocket, his hands making random movements under the material. His legs were in tight black jeans, and his sneakers were black. His fringe was over one eye, curled at the end. I wanted to move the hair out of his eyes, so I could see them, so that I could be close to him.
"Hey. You're late. Again" Frank said, his mouth curling up at one side. I had to gather my breathe.
"Sorry. Miss me?" I asked sarcastically, then regretted it, because it was kind of weird to ask someone if they missed you when you've only known them, properly, for a day.
"Of course I did" He grinned. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.
"Oo, you're cold" Frank frowned.
"I got water thrown on my face this morning, and I've had to walk" I told him. I found myself wanting to tell him everything about this morning, everything about everything I'd experienced.
You're turning into a woman, Gee!
"Wow, thats pretty shitty. So, you OK?" Frank asked. He twirled our hands around, tightening and loosening his grip.
"Yeah. Thanks for waiting, that was really nice" I said, and I could feel my face turn red.
"Its OK. I wanted to see you. We didn't really get to talk yesterday, and that really pissed me off. I've been staring at you and thinking about you for so fucking long now that I don't wanna waste it" Frank said quietly. I leant into him, and couldn't help but smell him. I felt like a pervert, but he smelt, so, so good. Today he smelt like honey and toast and...just him, there was no way to describe it.
"I've thought about you for so long, too" I said, too happy to think of a more convincing answer.
"Really? You been dreaming about me, Gee?" Frank's eyebrow raised, and he leaned into me. I couldn't resist screaming in my head at his nickname for him.
"Maybe I have. You been dreaming about me, Iero?" I didnt mean to say Iero, it just came out. It sounded kinda good.
"Oo, Iero. I like that. And yeah, I'll 'fess up, I've dreamt about you. I won't go into detail, but they were a certain type of dream and, yeah...they were good. So were you" Frank grinned. I gripped his hand tighter and he returned it back. I looked up into his eyes, and they were burning something I couldn't read.
"Wow. I've dreamt about you for sure. And you were...amazing" I smirked.
"Ah, I do try. Don't get too excited though, don't want you getting a boner over me in the playground now do we?" Frank said, his eyes fluttering and scolding me.
"I don't think I'd be able to stop it" I whispered, leaning in again. We were inches apart now, and I wanted to kiss him.
"Mm, really. I think we better calm ourselves down, we're getting overheated" Frank sighed and pulled away from me. His hand stayed on mine.
The doors opened, and we let everyone pass in front of us.
When we eventually got into prison, we walked to my home room, hand in hand. Franks warmth was pulsating in my veins, warming my blood.
"Hey, meet me in the cafeteria at break, yeah? Look down the wall side, I'll be there. We'll talk properly this time, not about getting boners" Frank smiled, stood outside my room.
"Yeah, OK. I'll see you later?" I asked, just in case he regretted it.
"Yeah. See ya" Frank squeezed my hand one last time. He kissed my cheek. His lips were thick and soft and big, and beautifully warm. They lingered longer on my cheek than needed (which was awesome 'cos I got to smell him again) and he left.
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enjoy ;)