Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


"Don't take your fucking time, bitch!" Frank smiled, shouting at me when I walked into the cafeteria. All the teachers gave him dirty looks, and he didn't even notice. He made my stomach flip.
"Hey, stop you're whining, I'm here now!" I said, mock mad at him.
"Wow, strict. I like it" Frank teased.
"I thought we were gonna stay away from the sex talk?" I asked cheekily, sitting down next to him at the circular table.
"Maybe I've changed my mind. Anyway, I've been thinking of questions for you" Frank jumped up from his seat, a wide smile firmly locked on his face.
"O...K" I smiled, sceptitcaly. Frank's happiness was infectious.
"So, OK, question one-"
"There's a list?" I asked, pretending to be outraged.
"Oh yeah, baby" Frank grinned. My stomach did a little sommersault. "Question one- favourite band. This is important!" Frank stressed.
"Ah, er, theres loads. Um, probably Misfits" I shrugged.
"No fucking way, they're literally my all time favourite band! Thats some creepy shit, bro" Frank smirked. "OK, the most important question is done, and you passed with flying colours, dude. Question 2- Favourite dinosaur"
"What?!" I laughed.
"What's your favourite dinosaur? Don't tell me you dont like dinosaurs, cos if you don't I-" Frank got up to leave, and I quickly grabbed his hand to pull him back down.
"Don't go, frank!" I smiled.
"You think I'd leave you here, on your own? The most beautiful boy in school, left alone in a cafeteria full of in the closet gays? I don't think so. You're mine, baby" Frank whispered, his forehead resting on mine.
Frank just called me beautiful
He just said I was his.
I was Franks.
Fuck. I was so excited I almost screamed. The only thing stopping me was Frank's face on mine.
"I'm yours?"
"Maybe" Frank whispered in my ear, a smile on his face, but he sounded desperate.
I turned my head to face him. We were just inches apart, and Frank's breath was cool on my face. His eyes burned into mine, and my own breath quickened. Frank gulped, taking a deep breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmm, cafeteria sex talk! If only there were some hot male on male action happening in the cafeteria at my school! Sigh! Tell me what you think, comments make me :D