Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Just sleep...

Frank came back with two sodas, already opened. I watched as he took a sip, replaying our flirting just a few seconds ago.
Frank switched on the TV, and he leaned over me to retrieve the remote. His breath was hot on my bare skin where I'd unbuttoned my button, and a shiver slithered through me.
Frank looked up at me, knowing what he was doing to me. His eyes glanced at mine devilishly, and he smiled naughtily, biting his lip, then sat back in his place.
I was going to say something funny and flirty, but nothing came out.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" Frank sighed, flicking through the channels.
"It can't all be shit" I rolled my eyes at him, snatching the remote from his tiny hands. Frank looked at me with astonishment and surprise. I was secretly pleased with myself for killing his expectations that I was timid and shy.
"Wow, I guess it all really is shit. Er, um, OK, here" I settled the on a spider documentary. There was literally nothing else on, beside info-mercials and The View.
"Argh!" Frank squealed, jumping into my arms, his head buried in my chest.
"What's up?!" I asked frantically. What could have happened in the last twenty seconds?
"Spiders, I fucking hate spiders, turn it off!" Frank yelped, and I felt his heavy breath on my chest.
"OK! Its off!" I told him, flicking the station. Judge Judy was on. Fucking great.
Frank climbed off my chest, sitting crossed legged on the couch.
"Wow...never thought you, of all people, would be scared of spiders. Spiders, man. That's a surprise" I teased.
"Hey, they're creepy as shit, dude" Frank defended himself.
"I like 'em" I shrugged.
"You got something up with you, Gee" Frank sighed. A warm feeling spread across me as I heard him call me Gee again.
"Don't be embarrassed! Its kinda cute, really" I looked into his eyes, being as sincere as possible.
"Thanks. I'm such a baby, I can watch the goriest thing on TV, but I can't stand little creatures that can't do anything to me. Well, most can't, I mean, black widows can, and if the spider that bit Peter Parker is real, they can hurt you too..." Frank babbled, spinning off into spider analysis. I watched him as he continued to spew out words that really made no sense at all. His eyes were bright and fizzing with activity, his hands flailing, making wild gestures.
"Why the fuck is Judge fucking Judy on?" Frank asked, his eyebrow furrowed.
"What? Oh, I just flicked quickly when you had your fit" I smiled.
We watched it in a comfortable silence. I wanted to edge myself nearer to him, but I was scared it would freak him out.
"I'm sleepy" Frank blinked heavily. He looked so cute when he was tired.
"Go to sleep then" I said, even though I didn't mean it.
"OK" Frank sighed. He crawled over to me and laid his head on my chest. I uncrossed my legs and laid down with him. He was so warm and comfortable, like having a big pillow on me.
"Nighty night" Frank whispered into my chest, and his eyes shut. I watched him snore gently, then my own eyes shut.
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Oh my god, its been so long since i updated and I'm sorry! I'm gonna give you alto to sink your teeth into to make up for my absence! LOVE LOVE LOVE! keep the comments rolling!