Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Coffee Tongues

"Gee. Gee" Frank said gently, shaking my arm softly.
"Mm, what?" I asked sleepily. I didn't want to be awake yet.
"Gotta get up, Gee" I could hear the smile in his voice. I opened my eyes to the sight of Frank's burning directly in front of me, his pink lips in a sleepy smile, his hair perfectly ruffled.
I sat up on the couch, and Frank was gone.
Did I look that bad?
I watched him walk away, the back of his shirt and pants crumpled and creased. He had an awesome ass.
Of course he did.
Frank brought me back a coffee. I felt weird, drinking something that I'd always viewed as an 'adults' drink. I felt like I was trying to be adult, like when kids play Mommies and Daddies.
"You still look tired" I smiled at Frank as he sat back down opposite me.
"I am. I didn't want to get up. You're really comfy" Frank smiled weakly.
"Thanks. You too. I slept so well" I blushed. Had I just said that out loud? Fuck.
"Me too! Fuck man, we should sleep together all the time" He giggled and looked innocent. I looked at him and wanted to see truth.
"Maybe we should" I raised my eyebrows. I took a sip of my coffee.
The coffee scalded my tongue, leaving it buzzing and stinging with heat. I put the coffee down and winced, while Frank laughed.
"What the fuck you laughing at, bitch?!" I laughed. He just continued to giggle wildly.
"Come here" Frank said between laughs. He pulled me closer to him. We were just inches apart. "Stick your tongue out"
I did as I was told, like a kid being mad at their mom. Frank stared at my tongue for a second, which made me blush, and he licked it softly.
I froze.
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well, well, well... flirting to the max! hope you like it and aren't completly grossed out by it ;)