Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


"He-ey" Frank grinned, his blue hoodie setting his eyes off even brighter. His fringe curled at the end, resting on his cheek.
"Hey. You OK?" I asked him, trying not to gawp.
"Yeah, yeah. You?" He asked back, and he looked right into my eyes.
"Yeah. Um, you, er, you wanna, you wanna come round to mine tonight?" I asked him, biting my lip. I know we'd talked about it yesterday, but I thought I should ask again, just in case he'd forgotten. I'd been thinking of it all night, going over the words inside my head, how Frank would respond, whether he'd laugh in my face or scream at me that i was a fag, which I felt bad about. Despite only knowing him a few days, I knew Frank wasn't like that.
"Awesome" Frank shrugged.
I'd been fretting all night and this morning over an 'awesome'?
"Cool. My brother's gonna be making dinner, so you might wanna get something before. His cooking's pretty shit" I smiled.
"You're such a bitch!" Frank laughed. "If you'd have told me earlier I could have brought my World of War craft game. Its amazing"
"Isn't that that game that people get obsessed with?" I frowned.
"I'm not obsessed!" Frank joked, his eyes wide with mock panic. I laughed wildly and I noticed that he watched me.
We walked into school complaining about the sluts and jocks, making jokes and imitating them.
"OK, so, I'll see you in the cafeteria?" Frank asked when we got to my home room again.
"Yeah" I agreed. Frank took me in a huge hug, pulling me tight. I wrapped my arms around him and he sighed, in what sounded like relief.
"Bye bye" Frank whispered in my ear.

"OK, so if you had to chose between dying in death row, or being stabbed, what would you do?" Frank asked enthusiastically.
We were sat at the table in the corner of the cafeteria again. We were huddled together, across the table, so close I could scream.
"What a question. Er, I think- fuck I don't know, man. Probably death row, cos it'd be less painful and brutal, you know?" I said, smiling to him.
"Yeah, yeah, me too" Frank agreed, nodding his head wildly.
"OK, if you had to chose, er....being Batman or being the Green Lantern who would you be?" I asked.
"No question, man, I'd be the Joker"
"That wasn't even one of the options" I grinned, shaking my head at him.
"I think outside the box! Wouldn't you rather be a villain than a good guy? They have the most fun. They don't worry about upsetting people, you know? 'Hey, a building's on fire! I don't give a shit!'" Frank giggled, throwing his hands out in a question, and I laughed loudly.
"I know, I'm hilarious, right" Frank stated, no question in his voice, but a smile instead.
"That you are" I said quietly, leaning in a little closer.
"Mm, you smell so good" Frank inhaled, his eyes closed.
"Mm, so do you" I replied, shocked we felt the same.
I knew we'd had this conversation before, and we could have it forever. Frank would never stop smelling amazing. Today he smelt of cherries, sugar and just a little sweaty, which I kinda liked.
"Lets get high on each others smell" Frank grinned, even closer now.
"I already am"
I felt weird for telling the truth, like I was saying too much, and it might embarrass him.
"Same here, baby. You're making me so horny, stop it"
"Are you gay?" I blurted. The question wasn't even in my head, but it had been all last night. I was scared that if he wasn't, I was investing myself in something pretend, and I'd have to stop talking to Frank completely, because I couldn't stop my attraction to him. But if he was gay, who knew what could happen? Maybe nothing, but at least I'd know there was potential.
"If you mean, am I attracted to hot pieces of male ass? If so, then yeah, I'm gay" Frank shrugged, smiling.
"Cool" I shrugged back, trying to hide my giddiness.
Frank grinned, looking down at the table, then looking back up and straight into my eyes. I felt dizzy.
"What if i don't want to stop making you horny? Maybe it gets me horny" I said, my eyebrows twitching up and down. Flirting was so much fun. I liked messing with Franks head, to see how far I could go.
"Then I'll have to lick you again" Frank replied, his lips curled into a wide smile.
"You know I'm gonna carry on now" I grinned.
"You're a horny bastard, you know that? You're a horny little fuck" Frank shook his head, laughing lightly.
"Yeah, I know. 'Can't help it" I shrugged.
"Maybe I don't want you to" Frank looked at me, his eyes burning.
"Mmm, really?" I sighed happily.
"Oh yeah" Frank nodded.
We were just inches apart, maybe not even that. Frank's scent was overpowering me, intoxicating my senses.
"You gonna lick me or what?" I asked, my eyebrows jutting up.
"Get to class!"
Boomed Mr. Steiner, walking around our table and eying us suspiciously.
"We gotta get to class" Frank sighed, pulling his backpack on his back and standing up. I stayed sat down, putting my comics that we'd been thoroughly inspecting earlier back in my bag.
"I'll wait for you by the gates again, yeah?" Frank asked.
"See ya later" Frank said.
I was just about to get up, when I felt Frank behind me. I went to turn around when I felt a his warm, wet tongue lick my cheek. A massive shiver ran down my spine, jolting me forward.
"Control your boner, baby. See ya later" Frank whispered in my ear. He walked away, and through the window, he blew me a cheeky kiss.
I shook myself out of my daze, trying to kick my brain back into gear.
What was he doing to me?!
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SAY WHAT?!! hope you like...