Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Lick, Lick

When we got back to mine, I found a note on the fridge from Mikey in his scrawled handwriting.

Guess what, man??!! I totally hooked up with Hannah! Remember that girl i told you about? Dude, SHE asked ME out! Totally psyched! She's SUCH a babe!
love ya man, have fun with eye fucker. stay safe! use a condom! (they're in my top drawer)
BYE! dunno when I'll be home. Shes totally DTF man! ;) x

I rolled my eyes at the overly long note, smiling for Mikey. I knew he liked her, because he always said 'totally' allot when he was really excited.
"Hey, Frank, wanna Coke?" I shouted from the kitchen. I listened for his reply. There was none. I took two Cokes from the fridge and headed for the living room.
"Yeah" Frank shouted, when I was already in the room.

Frank was stood in the middle of the room, looking up at the ceiling, then all around him.
"What are you doing?" I laughed, handing him a coke, which he took, still looking around him.
"Its so...big. I-Its amazing" He cooed, looking back to me.
"I've never noticed" I shrugged, feeling bad.
"Your house is really nice" Frank smiled, sitting on the couch.
Frank popped the top of the Coke open and took a sip.
"So, wheres this brother of yours?" Frank asked. I'd told him all about Mikey on the way to mine.
"Oh, he's bagged himself a girlfriend. Hannah" I told him.
"Shame. He sounded cool" Frank said. My stomach twitched. I wanted Mikey to meet Frank, but I was selfishly kinda glad Mikey wasn't here. I wanted Frank all to myself.
"Yeah. Not as cool as me though, obviously" I smirked.
"Obviously" Frank rolled his eyes.
"So when you gonna lick me?" Frank asked, licking his lips.
"What?!" I squealed.
"Hey, tit for tat man" Frank reasoned.
"Fine" I agreed, secretly thrilled. I leaned over to him, my hands on the sofa, at either side of his legs.
I leaned my face into his, turned to his side, and licked his cheek slowly. I felt it go cold under my tongue and I wanted to scream.
I pulled away, but stayed where our faces met.
"Why do you always tease me so fucking much?" Frank whispered playfully, shaking his head in annoyance.
"Because I can" I whispered back.

Frank leaned closer to me, more than he ever had. His eyes penetrated mine and I could almost feel my lips pushing towards Frank's.
Our lips brushed each others, and a wave of excitement whipped through me.

"Gee" Frank moaned, his head tilting back.
"Mmm, Frank" I groaned back, sighing.
Franks hands fell to my ribs, and he dragged them up and down slowly. His hands were zorching hot, it felt like his fingers were dragging fire against my skin.
I wanted to do the same to Frank, but I couldn't. I was frozen by sheer pleasure and knowing that if I did respond, I'd probably suffocate him and scare him with my ridiculous amount of horniness.
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ha ha! hope you likey like