Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Basement Kisses

When we got back to mine, we headed to my bedroom for the first time. My bedroom was the basement. Well, I was in the transition of moving from my old bedroom to the basement. I slept in there most of the time, but the basement was quieter, it was more isolated from everything and everyone else in the house. I liked my own company.
"Your bedroom's awesome, man" Frank cooed.
"Thanks. It's really just a shit heap" I shrugged.
"I like it. Its kinda like you"
"What, a shit heap?" I asked, laughing.
"You know that's not what I meant. Its...kinda weird and disheveled, you know?" Frank smiled.
"Kinda" I giggled. I put my PS2 on and placed Frank's World of War-craft in the drive. The screen burst with explosive graphics.
"Get ready for your first addiction, baby" Frank grinned, sitting at the side of my bed with a controller in his hands.
We played for two hours straight. Two hours straight of me being completely and utterly iniliated.
"Fuck man, you're really, really shit at this" Frank laughed, when I finally turned the console off.
"I told you!" I sighed, ashamed.
It was getting dark outside, and I'd heard Mikey come in a few hours ago.
"My eyes are fucking exhausted, man!" I sighed, laying on the bed. Frankie climbed on the bed next to me, placing himself on my out-stretched arm.
"Me too. That's why I don't play it so much these days; I used to go on it day and night, then one day I woke up and everything was blurry as shit" Frank shook his head in disbelief.
I laughed in response.
I was happy. Frank was laid with me, and he was warm, and I was with my best friend. Most of all, it felt good to finally feel something other than absolute misery.
"Hey, Gee?" Frankie asked. He turned his body to the side, so he was facing me.
My eyes were shut, and I was just smelling Frankie, like a fucking pervert.
World of War craft wasn't my first addiction.
Frankie was.
"Yeah?" I replied. I opened my eyes to look at him, and he was looking right into my eyes, his burning something bright and frayed.
"You, wanna sl- You wanna sleep at mine on Friday?" Frank asked. He blushed, and his white teeth pulled on his pink lips.
I wanted to kiss him more than ever. But I knew it wasn't right.
"Yeah. Yeah, that'll be awesome. Thanks. Hey! I'll bring my Frankenstein video" I grinned. I couldn't wait for Friday. It would be so good. Just me and Frankie. Watching Frankenstein. My head buzzed with ideas of our geeky night in.
"Cool! I've never seen it"
"What? Y-You've never seen Frankenstein? You're called Frank, that's like, just fucking wrong man. That's-That's totally fucked up. I'll bring the original, that's the best one. Its black and white" I raved.
How had he not seen Frankenstein? Its like a law if your called Frank.
"Its gonna be awesome, man. My mom's gonna be out too. She's visiting my Aunt Clara. We'll have the whole house to ourselves" Frank smirked.
Mmm, he was so cute.
The whole house to ourselves. The whole house to ourselves. An endless amount of possibilities ran through my mind.
"Sounds good" I grinned back.
Frank moved himself closer to me. We were so close.
Our lips brushed again.
"Gerard" Frank sighed, his head tilting back.
I pushed my lips onto Franks lightly and a groan from deep in his chest escaped his big lips.
I groaned back at him, and he kissed my jawline softly.
My hands wandered to Franks back. His tshirt was thin, and I could feel his muscles tense.
"Argh, Gee!"
I realized this wasn't right, even though it felt so, so good. If this was going to happen, I wanted it to be...fuck, special and I don't know...not in my basement.
"Come on, baby, we can carry this on on Friday" I whispered.
And the weird thing was, I actually believed we could.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, good chapter very, very soon! but i've gotta go, but you'll get it tomorrow! Promise! I love ya all, COMMENT!