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You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Best buds...

Franks bedroom was black. I could only tell this from the tiny little spaces in between the countless posters plastered on his walls. I knew most of them; Misfits, Fugazi, Black Flag, Ramones, but there was some I had no idea of, which I kinda liked.
"Give it here" Frank said, holding his hand out for the video. I gave it to him, and he gave me a quick smile.
He put the DVD in the slot and it played.
"Fuck, this is old man!"
We watched it for a few minutes, then the picture froze.
"What the fuck? This never happens. Just give it a minute" I sighed. The one time it had to stop, when Frankie was watching it.
The picture played again. I let out a sigh of relief.
A screeching sound from the video player broke the silence in the room. I could hear it chewing up my tape, and I almost cried.
"Fuck!" Frank yelled, getting up and turning the device off by the switch. He opened the flap to the video player and smoke flew from it.
"Shit. I'm sorry man" Frank apologized.
"I'm sorry, I just broke your video player. We can watch something else, if you want. I brought Dracula" I grinned, for once proud of my over organization.
"I'll get you another copy, I swear" Frank said, climbing onto the bed.
"Its OK man. You wouldn't be able to find one anyway" I shrugged. I didn't really care anymore. I was more mad at the fact that I couldn't show Frank.
"I will. Promise" He said, watching me as I got off the bed and put Dracula in the DVD.
The film started and I saw Frank wasn't paying attention.
"Gee, can I talk to you about something?" Frank asked, his head turning to me.
"Yeah, 'course" I said, turning to face him.
"I...I just wanted to say thanks for the other day. You were so nice to me, about my mom. Its been really bothering me, and you really helped. No ones ever treated me like you do, like an actual human being, you know? I know I haven't even known you for long, but, you're like, you're like my best friend" Frank said, his embarrassment showing through.
My heart was almost beating out of my chest. Frank had just said the words I had wanted to for so long.
"Thanks. You're my best friend too. And the thing about you being gay? You shouldn't be scared off it. Its not wrong and its not something to be ashamed of" I told him.
"Best buds, right?" Frankie grinned. He offered his fist to me, and I bumped it.
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