Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Lying To Myself

Frankie became riveted with the movie and he asked questions about it constantly.
"OK, so, lets get this straight" Frank asked.
We were laid on the bed now, our heads flat on the duvet, only just able to see the screen.
"So, Jonathan Harker is marrying Mina?" He said.
"But he's cheating on her with Lucy?"
"What? No! How did you get that idea?!" I asked, looking at him.
"I dunno!" He shrugged, laughing.
"You're insane"
"Yeah, I know"
"Jonathan doesn't even like Lucy that much. And he totally loves Mina. Why do you think he's cheating?"
"I dunno, i just- I have this thing, I think everyone's up to something bad. Like they're not being one hundred percent truthful to me, you know? I don't think I've ever met someone who's never lied to me" Frank confided, his eyes on the screen.
"What?" I asked. I felt so bad for him.
"Well, everyone I've ever met has lied to me at some point. My mom told me that her and my dad broke up 'cos they weren't in love, when in fact it was cos he got bored. My friends told me everything would be OK, and it wasn't. They told me they liked me, and they didn't. And my dad told me he loved me...and he didn't. Doesn't" Frank said, anger and sadness coursing through his words.
An overwhelming sense of protection swept over me. I hated seeing Frank hurt, it made me mad and angry at the people that had betrayed him. How could anyone hurt Frankie?
"That's why I like being on my own so much. Cos I can't lie to myself" Frank snuggled into my side. His eyes burned into mine. His head rested on my chest, and I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer.
Frankie rested his hands on my waist, and warmth pulsated through my body.
"I've never lied to you, Frankie, and I never will. Ever. You can trust me. Seriously, I don't want you to be scared of me lying to you. I promise to always tell you the truth, OK? I don't want you to isolate yourself from me because you're scared I'll lie." I told him. I seemed to be telling Frank allot of things tonight. But everything was important.
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ahhh! poor frankie!